Micro Lambda Wireless, Inc.
Micro Lambda Wireless was founded with the purpose of supplying the microwave community with technically superior products at reasonable prices with the highest regard to customer service and quality. Products include YIG oscillators, YIG bandpass & band reject filters, frequency multipliers, phased locked sources and frequency synthesizers.
- (510) 770-9221
- (510) 770-9213
- 46515 Landing Parkway
Fremont, CA 94538
United States
Frequency Synthesizers 0.050 GHz - 33 GHz
With standard designs covering 250 MHz to 20 GHz, Micro Lambda Wireless is the industry leader in YIG-tuned frequency synthesizers. From low cost single loop designs, to wideband configurations that outperform some test equipment, Micro Lambda is your full service designer and supplier of microwave YIG synthesizers.
Frequency Synthesizers 50 MHz to 21 GHz
Luxyn Model MLVS-0520
Lyxyn synthesizers are ideal main local oscillators in Receiving Systems, Frequency Converters and Test & Measurement Equipment. MLVS-0520 is VCO-based and provides 0.001 Hz frequency resolution over the 50 MHz to 21 GHz frequency range. Output power level of +15 dBm is provided throughout the full frequency range. Full band switching speed is 50 μsec maximum. The MLVS-0520 is 4” x 3.6” x 0.94” high.