MAGSYS Magnet Systeme GmbH
The company MAGSYS magnet systeme GmbH stands for elaborate products and system solutions around the use of permanent magnets.
- +49 231 / 177 88 - 0
- +49 231 / 177 88 - 22
- Rohwedderstr. 7
Dortmund, 44369
The fluxmeter FG16 is a modular device to measure magnetic values and can be equipped with up to 4 channels. The completely redesigned analog-/digital-hybrid design of the fluxmeter plug-in allows measurements of both high-dynamic as well as very fast events and is virtually drift-free.
MAGSYS magnetizers allow the magnetization, adjustment and also the demagnetization of isotropic and anisotropic magnetic materials of different sizes. In particular, all highly coercive magnetic materials, such as Sm2Co17 or plastic-bonded NdFeB magnets, can be magnetized easily and with short cycle times. In addition to raw magnets, e.g. directly after production, complete workpieces with magnets already installed can also be magnetized.
Magnetizing Fixtures
Usually, the magnetizing fixture (coil) is specifically designed for the task of the customer and the product.In the simplest case, only the necessary parameters for the dimensions of the component are calculated for an axial coil, and the device can be designed and manufactured according to standard procedures.
Measuring Stations
The main application is the measurement of the flux density on the surface of multipole magnets or components with magnets. A large amount of measuring stations is built for rotors.
Handheld Gaussmeter
Data storage on a personal computer via keystroke. The HGM09s is easy to use and has a good price/performance ratio. The handheld gaussmeter HGM09s is used to measure magnetic DC and AC fields. The measurands are flux density in Tesla or Gauss and the field strength in Amps per meter.
Industrial Gaussmeter
The industrial gaussmeter IGM11 is used to measure magnetic DC and AC fields. The measurands are flux density in Tesla or Gauss and the field strength in Amps per meter.