Verocel, Inc.
Verocel is constantly improving its efficiency through automation, improving its quality through integration, and reducing its costs by combining integration with automation. Verocel stays at the forefront of verification issues by chairing and belonging to a number of committees and standards bodies. By participating in these organizations, Verocel helps influence the constantly-evolving safety standards, is aware of proposed changes even before they are official, and thus can continually adapt to remain compliant with the various standards and requirements.
- 978-392-8850
- 978-392-8501
- 210 Littleton Road
Westford, MA 01886
United States
Control Coupling Analysis
VerOLink (Verify Object Linking) is a verification tool (DO-178B, DO-330, IEC 61508 and ISO 26262) that helps satisfy the control coupling objective. Control coupling provides a measure of the correctness of the integration of many independently compiled object files linked to form a single executable image. Even if all requirements based tests are performed on the integrated executable image and the coverage is measured at the object code level without instrumenting the code, the possibility still exists that the linker could have linked a function call incorrectly. VerOLink is used to provide this final check. Verification of the code integration is fully automatic with VerOLink. The tool analyzes the executable image to find all functions and all function calls and their locations in the object files. By analyzing the object files used in an application, VerOLink verifies that the function calls within an executable image have been resolved correctly when the linker combined the object files
Coverage Analysis
VeroSource-A verifies that all complex decisions (i.e., decisions with at least two conditions) have taken all possible outcomes; and that every condition within the decision has taken all possible outcomes that have independently affected the decision’s outcome. VeroSource automates the capture and structural coverage analysis of the source code under test.
Coverage Analysis
VerOCode can use the same requirements-based tests that were used in functional testing to automate the capture and analysis of structural coverage testing without instrumenting the code under test. This is part of the process used at Verocel. It then records and displays the instructions executed in a program under test, and for conditional instructions, records and displays the state of the condition code at each execution of the instruction. Structural coverage is obtained at the machine code level using the integrated image, with results reported through an annotated program listing containing the source and machine code level expansion
PIC Instruction Set Simulators
Test developers create requirements-based tests written in the C programming language and the Verocel PICSIM is linked as a library. The program-under-test is loaded into the Verocel PICSIM and executed under the control of the test. Test developers can directly call functions in the software-under-test, monitor all memory accesses (reads andwrites), alter data fetched or stored dynamically, and collect structural coverage data during testing. The software-under-test need not be altered.
Application Lifecycle Management
The VeroTrace tool provides a complete end-to-end life cycle verification management environment that allows full configuration control, traceability and review tracking for software development. It maintains all development and verification life cycle artifacts for your software application, as well as their relationships and review status. It is the ideal environment to handle development, review, authorization and sign-off status of complex software systems. VeroTrace is ideal for software that requires some form of regulatory approval and has features and capabilities that are superior to competitive ALM products
Stack Analysis
VerOStack examines the binary executable to statically determine the actual worst-case stack size. This is a precise measurement technique not influenced by particular dynamic test runs and their variance based on a particular execution path. Furthermore, it can take into account not only the current program but also other programs that will run on the target at the same time, such as other applications running on a real-time operating system (RTOS) or in combination with the RTOS itself. It can thus provide truly meaningful data on target memory requirements.