The NTCIP is a family of standards that provides both the rules for communicating (called protocols) and the vocabulary (called objects) necessary to allow electronic traffic control equipment from different manufacturers to operate with each other as a system. NTCIP is a Trademark of AASHTO, ITE, NEMA
United States
Testing and Conformity Assessment Working Group
The Testing and Conformity Assessment Working Group (TCA WG) is responsible for development and maintenance of those NTCIP standards that are specifically related to testing and conformity assessment, specifically NTCIP 8007 and NTCIP 9012.
Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS) Working Group
The Electrical and Lighting Management Systems (ELMS) WG is responsible for the development and maintenance of NTCIP standards addressing electrical and lighting management systems and monitoring technical issues.
Field Management Stations (FMS) Working Group
The Field Management Stations (FMS) WG is responsible for the development and maintenance of NTCIP standards addressing field management stations (sometimes referred to as field master stations) and monitoring technical issues.
Ramp Metering Control (RMC) Working Group
The Ramp Metering Control (RMC) Working Group (RMC WG) is responsible for development and maintenance of those NTCIP standards that are specifically related to ramp metering control, specifically NTCIP 1207 (a data dictionary standard).
Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) Working Group
The Environmental Sensor Stations (ESS) Group (ESS WG) is responsible for development and maintenance of those NTCIP standards that are specifically related to environmental sensor stations, specifically NTCIP 1204 (a data dictionary standard).
Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) Working Group
The Data Collection and Monitoring (DCM) WG is responsible for the development and maintenance of NTCIP standards addressing data collection and monitoring technical issues.