vocalize.ai inc.
A software company developing tools and processes designed to assess AI powered virtual assistants with a more humanized approach.
Richmond, CA
United States
AI Virtual Assistant Performance Analyzer
Vocalyzer Test Suite
The vocalyzer test suite has been developed to enable black-box evaluations and benchmarking of AI powered virtual assistants. The goal is to help highlight gaps in performance with measurable, repeatable and shared benchmarks. For the initial task of assessing the hearing capabilities of speech recognizer engines, vocalize.ai has leveraged expertise from the world of audiology; the branch of science that studies hearing, balance and related disorders. Working with talented audiologists, the company has identified procedures and modified them to work with virtual assistants. Audiology tests such as Speech Recognition Threshold (SRT) and Speech In Noise (SIN) are supported by a cloud based utterance database and are readily available for product benchmarking.