Xtreme Engineering LLC
Despite its low cost, EasyI2C (TM) will capture and analyze bus traffic at full 400KHz bus speed without clock stretching. It's also a true protocol analyzer. It not only detects errors, but explains to you exactly what is wrong, in plain language. It even warns you about conditions that, while permitted by the spec, may not be what the designer intended.
- 719.287.0736
- sales@easyi2c.com
- 415 Caprice Court
Colorado Springs, CO 80921
I2C Protocol Analyzer
It's simple to find an I2C-style bus within arm's reach. Every computer, monitor, television and cell phone has it. Most microcontrollers directly support this protocol as well. Even so, the I2C protocol has many subtle nuances that are hard to grasp and easily forgotten. EasyI2C (TM) helps you to figure out exactly what is happening, without having to examine huge waveform trace capture files or set up complex tests.