Metrohm AG
Metrohm offers a complete line of analytical laboratory and process systems for titration, ion chromatography, electrochemistry and spectroscopy. From routine moisture analysis to sophisticated anion and cation quantification, we are ready to help you develop your method and configure the optimum system. Move your analysis from the lab to the production line with our dedicated process analyzers.
- 866-638-7646
(813) 316-4700 - 9250 Camden Field Parkway
Riverview, FL 33578
United States
Multichannel Line
Multichannel potentiostat/galvanostat instruments for simultaneous measurements.
Modular Line
The Modular Line of instruments consists of a range of instruments to suit any requirements in electrochemical research, from low to high voltage and from low to high current.
Ion Chromatography
940 Professional IC Vario
High-end ion chromatography system for research applications and method development
Ion Chromatography
930 Compact IC Flex
The 930 Compact IC Flex is a versatile ion chromatograph developed with a focus on the requirements of routine users.
Karl Fischer Titration
KF Titrino plus
Entry-level titrator for coulometric (water content: 0.001 to 1%) or volumetric (up to 100%) water determination.
Karl Fischer Titration
Coulometric Karl Fischer titration is the ideal method to determine low moisture and water contents in samples (0.001 to 1% water content).
Karl Fischer Titration
KF Ti-Touch
Designed as easy-to-use and compact systems, they are equipped with a variety of features to make your work more comfortable: color touch screen, shortcuts for favorite methods, KF icons indicating the instrument status, and many more.
Karl Fischer Titration
New volumetric Karl Fischer titrator for safe, easy, and fast water content determination
Karl Fischer Titration
Titrino Coulometer
This inexpensive, time-tested coulometric titrator allows you to analyze samples with low water contents (0.001 to 1%) in an easy and convenient manner.
Karl Fischer Titration
Gas Analyzer
A fully automated solution to determine trace levels of water in liquefied and permanent gases.
Karl Fischer Titration
KF Titrando
High-end titrators for determining any water content from 0.001 to 100%
Liquid Handling
846 Dosing Interface
The Dosing Interface is your ideal solution if you want to automate liquid handling tasks in your laboratory. This instrument can be either operated as a standalone instrument for all liquid handling operations or integrated into existing Metrohm systems to expand the liquid handling capabilities of your system.
Liquid Handling
Eco Dosimat
Modern liquid handling system for Swiss-made precision and accuracy at an affordable price. The new Eco Dosimat is the key to higher productivity and better reliability in your laboratory.
Liquid Handling
Dosimat plus
Taking care of all kinds of dosing and liquid handling tasks, Dosimat plus instruments are indispensable in many modern laboratories. Used as an independent system, the Dosimat plus is a manually controlled dosing instrument. If you are already using a Titrino or Titrino plus titrator in your lab, you can use the Dosimat plus as an automated dosing device for your titrator.
867/856 Modules
With the 856 Conductivity Module and 867 pH Module, you can build your own, customized solution – whether you are analyzing large sample loads or multiple parameters, or you want to enjoy full freedom when it comes to method programming and applications.