IneoQuest’s IQPinPoint Advanced Quality and Service Assurance Solution for IP Video enables Service Providers to improve video quality and control unbounded IPTV operational expenses (OPEX). Predict, detect, isolate and resolve faults in live IPTV networks by combining real-time remote troubleshooting with management of hundreds to thousands of live simultaneous video programs.
- 508-339-2497
- 508-339-4727
- 170 Forbes Blvd.
Mansfield, MA 02048
United States
Program Lineup Manager
The Program Line-Up Manager (PLM) is a centralized configuration management tool that ensures that the elements of your FoQus platform are configured in a synchronized manner. By automating and scheduling the download of program line-up changes, PLM removes much of the manual work required to make the necessary ongoing changes and updates, and can give you back the substantial number of staff-hours required to make these changes manually or track down the problems when they are done incorrectly.
Integrated Video Management System
The iVMS iQ Engines provide that comprehensive view of your FoQus platform assets. Management systems are available for Linear/IPTV networks (iVMS) or adaptive bitrate networks (iVMS ASM). iVMS tracks QoE and QoS data for thousands of programs across hundreds of acquisition elements to provide true end-to-end, centralized video quality management. With iVMS, you can drill down to identify and isolate the root cause of issues by program, time and location. In order to reduce repair time (MTTR), iVMS can send alert notifications via email to technicians, operations, and engineering staff, and can present collected information to OSS/BSS systems via a northbound interface. iVMS also collects and stores statistics, supporting historical network performance analysis in addition to its real-time capabilities.
Consolidated Video Operations Center
cVOC is the FoQus platform''s pinnacle iQ Engine. It pulls together all of your FoQus platform elements into a single, powerful, comprehensive view a view that only IneoQuest can provide across the video assurance industry. By pulling together iVMS and AMP ASM solution data from across your networks, cVOC can tie together issues occurring at viewer devices to a head-end root cause. Or alternatively, it can identify the viewer impact scope an encoder issue will have. With cVOC, access to the data intelligence needed to monitor the entire video delivery network is just a log-in away.
Speed Test
Spectator™ Family
When it comes to video streaming, a simple speed test is not enough. Speed tests simply move large data objects from a server across a network to your device, and measure performance based on how long it took. But it will not tell you how well-distributed the transfer was. For today''''s streaming, performance consistency is critical to a high quality streaming experience. Spectator NOW measures actual streams for accurate results. Using your provided video URL, or one of the included test URLs, Spectator NOW identifies the video''''s available source bit rates (the rendition set), and graphically illustrates the current and average playback bit rate and rate shifts during the playback session. IneoQuest''''s patented VeriStream measurement and scoring technology delivers easily understood results. Spectator NOW also measures the streaming capacity of the connection, so you can learn if your network connection can support even higher quality, such as 4K/UHD or HD 1080p.