PicoQuant GmbH
PicoQuant is a worldwide leader in the development and manufacturing of high quality photonic components and instruments for a broad range of scientific applications.
- +49-30-1208820-89
- +49-30-1208820-90
- info@picoquant.com
- Rudower Chaussee 29 (IGZ)
Berlin, 12489
Pulsed Lasers and LEDs
PicoQuant's compact and reliable turn-key diode laser solutions work in picosecond pulsed, modulated, or fast-switched (nsec to µsec) operation mode. The laser systems typically consist of a common driver unit and exchangeable heads. Specialized lasers are also available as stand-alone units.
Fluorescence Microscopes
PicoQuant offers different solutions for time-resolved confocal microscopy. The available systems include single molecule sensitive microscopes with picosecond temporal resolution and super-resolution imaging capabilities as well as upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes of all major manufacturers that enable time-resolved applications.
Fluorescence Spectrometers
PicoQuant offers several fluorescence spectrometers that range from compact table-top spectrometers for teaching or daily routine work to modular high-end spectrometers with exact timing down to a few picoseconds. Samples can be liquids in standard cuvettes, solid samples or even semiconductor wafers for in-line quality control.