Aldec, Inc.
Aldec, Inc. is an industry-leading Electronic Design Automation (EDA) company delivering innovative design creation, simulation and verification solutions to assist in the development of complex FPGA, ASIC, SoC and embedded system designs.
- (702) 990-4400
- (702) 990-4414
- 2260 Corporate Circle
Henderson, NV 89074
United States
Cloud Edition
HES-DVM Proto CE is the Cloud Edition of Aldec’s HES-DVM software product used for design compilation and partitioning into multi-FPGA prototyping platforms. It is available in Amazon AWS Marketplace as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) built upon the Amazon Linux image as a base with preinstalled Aldec HES-DVM software. The HES-DVM Proto CE combines Electronic Design Automation software for design partitioning and compute platform scalability of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2).
Daughter Cards
Daughter cards provide extensions to HES or TySOM boards providing additional devices and peripherals not included in these boards. Due to using non-proprietary connectors like FMC or BPX the daughter cards can be reused across different hardware platforms.
Embedded Development Kit
The TySOM Embedded Development Kit is for the embedded designer who needs a high-performance RTL simulator/debugger for their embedded applications such as IoT, Factory Automation, UAV and Automotive. The kit includes Riviera-PRO Advanced Verification Platform and a Xilinx Zynq development board that contains single Zynq chip (FPGA + Dual ARM Cortex-A9), memories (DDR3, uSD), communication interfaces (miniPCIe, Ethernet, USB, Pmod, JTAG) and multimedia interfaces (HDMI, audio, CMOS camera).
FPGA Simulation
Active-HDL™ is a Windows® based, integrated FPGA Design Creation and Simulation solution for team-based environments. Active-HDL’s Integrated Design Environment (IDE) includes a full HDL and graphical design tool suite and RTL/gate-level mixed-language simulator for rapid deployment and verification of FPGA designs.
HES Prototyping Boards
HES™ is a feature-rich family of SoC/ASIC pre-silicon physical prototyping and hardware emulation boards. The family features boards with high-performance devices from either Xilinx (including Virtex-7, Virtex UltraScale, Virtex UltraScale+ and Zynq UltraScale+) or Microchip (PolarFire and SmartFusion2).
Hybrid Verification Platform
HES-DVM™ is a fully automated and scalable hybrid verification environment for SoC and ASIC designs. Utilizing the latest co-emulation standards like SCE-MI or TLM and newest FPGA technology, hardware and software design teams obtain early access to the hardware prototype of the design. Working concurrently with one another they develop and verify high-level code with RTL accuracy and speed-effective SoC emulation or prototyping models reducing test time and a risk of silicon re-spins.
RTAX/RTSX Netlist Converter
RTAX/RTSX EDIF and PDC/PIN Converter combines two functions supporting Aldec RTAX prototyping - it provides EDIFs netlists conversion and PDC/PIN constraints file remapping for two families RTAX-S/SL and RTSX-SU/S, SX-A. RTAX/RTSX EDIF and PDC/PIN Converter performs automatic conversion of the RTAX-S/SL and RTSX-SU/S, SX-A EDIFs netlists to ProASIC3/E EDIF netlist, which means replacement of the PLL and memory primitives has to be done, with consideration of the limitations caused by the differences between RTAX-S/SL, RTSX-SU/S, SX-A and ProASIC3/E technologies.
TySOM Embedded Prototyping Boards
TySOM™ is a family of embedded system prototyping boards. Depending on the board, one of three FPGAs will be at its heart: a Xilinx Zynq® UltraScale+™, a Xilinx Xilinx Zynq-7000 or a Microchip PolarFire SoC. The boards are compatible, through industry standard interfaces (FMC or BPX), with Aldec’s wide range daughter cards, making Aldec’s TySOM embedded prototyping boards ideal for the rapid development of applications that include automotive (and ADAS, in particular), artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), embedded vision, embedded-HPC (including edge-processing), IoT, IIoT and industrial automation.
High Performance Embedded Development Kit
The TySOM™ Embedded Development Kit is for the embedded designers who need a high-performance RTL simulator/debugger for their embedded applications such as IoT, Automotive, Factory automation, UAV and Robotics. The kit includes Riviera-PRO™ Advanced Verification Platform and a TySOM development/prototyping board. TySOM boards come with either a Zynq 7000 chip (FPGA + Dual ARM® Cortex™-A9) or with a Zynq® UltraScale+™ MPSoC device. These boards include memories, and various communication and multimedia interfaces in addition to FMC connectors for peripheral expansion. Reference designs for application such as IoT, ADAS, 4K UltraHD imaging and Robotics and a complete reference design, which contains the SW (Linux) and all the hardware blocks required to support the peripherals on the board, are provided.
Static Design Verification
ALINT-PRO™ is a design verification solution for RTL code written in VHDL, Verilog, and SystemVerilog, which is focused on verifying coding style and naming conventions, RTL and post-synthesis simulation mismatches, smooth and optimal synthesis, correct FSM descriptions, avoiding problems on further design stages, clocks and reset tree issues, CDC, RDC, DFT, and coding for portability and reuse. The solution performs static analysis based on RTL and SDC™ source files uncovering critical design issues early in the design cycle, which in turn reduces design signoff time dramatically. Running ALINT-PRO before the RTL simulation and logic synthesis phases prevents design issues spreading into the downstream stages of design flow and reduces the number of iterations required to finish the design.
FPGA Test System
DO-254/CTS™ is a fully customized hardware and software platform that augments target board testing to increase verification coverage by test and satisfy the verification objectives of DO-254/ED-80. The target design runs at-speed in the target device mounted on the custom daughter board. The simulation testbench is used as test vectors to enable requirements-based testing with 100% FPGA pin-level controllability and visibility necessary to implement normal range and abnormal range tests. The FPGA testing results are captured at-speed and displayed using a simulator waveform viewer for advanced analysis and documentation.
RTAX/RTSX Adaptor Boards
Aldec and Microchip have joined together, offering a new, innovative, reprogrammable prototyping solution for Microchip RTAX-S/S and RTSX-SU space-flight system designs. Unlike the traditional OTP (One Time Programmable) anti-fuse space-qualified FPGAs, the Aldec prototype adaptor uses flash-based, Microchip ProASIC®3E FPGA technology, for design prototype re-programmability.
Functional Verification Platform
Riviera-PRO™ addresses verification needs of engineers crafting tomorrow’s cutting-edge FPGA and SoC devices. Riviera-PRO enables the ultimate testbench productivity, reusability, and automation by combining the high-performance simulation engine, advanced debugging capabilities at different levels of abstraction, and support for the latest Language and Verification Library Standards.