ComTekk Engineering, LLC.
ComTekk Software is a division of BW Consultants. Our primary focus is on tools for radio communications systems, telecommunications, testing and public safety.
- 1 800-708-2994
- 9 State Road 150
Taos,, NM 87571
United States
Distortion Analyzer
SINAD utilizes the latest in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) technology to accurately measure several key performance characteristics of radio receivers by analyzing the spectral content of a received audio signal.
CTCSS sub-audible tone decoder reveals repeater access tones DCS Digital-Coded Squelch decoding (requires receiver with discriminator or demodulator (unfiltered) output) DTMF "Touch-Toneā¢" decoder / logger Improved 2-tone decoding captures "stacked" pages Built-in Log Viewer / Player External serial port control to operate relay or PTT circuit Fully supports Windows XP, Vista / 7, 8, 10
Test Software
DISPATCHER is offered as a fully functional download with a 15-day free trial period. In this way, you can fully test the software and connectivity before purchasing a license, to be sure it will work properly with your hardware.
Two-Tone Decoder
Instantly discover fire dispatch pager tone frequencies with our easy-to-use tone decoder. Accurately measure the frequencies of a received two-tone paging signal or "fire dispatch tone out" signal.
Two-Tone Decoder
Feed scanner or receiver audio directly into computer sound card, or simply place computer microphone close to receiver's speaker.
Alert Receiver Software
SafAlert is an autonomous alert decoder triggered by any programmable single, dual, or sequential tone signal, such as EAS, NOAA, or 2-tone fire alarm page. User-programmable visual, audible and email alerting
2-way Radio Signaling Test Software
Tone Generator
The new PC-based test software for RF communications engineers and technicians. Flexible, accurate code synthesizer for simulation and testing of 2-way radio systems, repeaters, remote control, ANI, Paging and more.No external hardware required.
Tone Generator
Control and test 2-way radio systems, repeaters, ANI, Paging and more. Activate 2-tone or 5/6-tone pagers. Operate or test EIA tone-remote systems. Record generated signals to a WAV file Accomplish MORE, by carrying LESS hardware in the field. Monitor inputs and outputs with our FREE built-in audio scope and spectrum analyzer. No external hardware required. Output may be fed directly into radio, twisted pair, or service monitor.*