Highland Technology, Inc.
Is an electronics design and manufacturing company specializing in high quality precision instrumentation and control applications including: Precision analog measurement and control, Capture of very high-speed transient phenomena, High speed, high resolution timing instruments, Electrical and thermal energy metering, Precision thermocouple and RTD temperature measurement, General purpose process inputs and outputs, Cryogenic temperature instrumentation, Custom "smart" instrumentation applications and Pulse-gradient drivers for NMR applications.
- 415 551 1700
- 415-551 5129
- 650 Potrero Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94110
United States
Digital Delay Generators
Highland has introduced three unique features to digital delay generation: a "Queued Updates" feature allows time settings to be changed without corrupting ongoing timings; a "Train" feature allows multiple pulses to be generated from each trigger; and a "Frames" feature allows complex delay sweeps and pulse scenarios to be pre-loaded and rapidly executed. Digital delay and pulse generators are available in 1-6 channels, with square, Gaussian, and arbitrary waveshapes, and insertion delays as low as 10 nanoseconds.
Diode Laser Driver
The D200 is a compact, DC-coupled fast laser driver, providing up to 4 amps of regulated constant current. A built-in edge-triggered pulse generator produces up to 1 microsecond pulse widths and 2 nanosecond transition times, capable of driving lasers with forward voltages up to 9 volts. A pulse-follower mode is also provided, accommodating externally-defined trigger widths up to 100% duty continuous-wave (CW). Power, pulse width, drive current and differential triggering functions are accessible through a ribbon cable header for embedded OEM applications. A low-inductance laser drive interface permits direct laser connection or custom interposer and flex-cable attachment.
Laser Drivers & Controllers
Fast Pulse Generators for E/O ModulationFast Laser Diode DriversSeed Laser Pulse PickingMOPA timing and controlCustom Delay and Waveform Generation
Measurement & Simulation
Highland Technology offers a wide array of tools for measurement, simulation, and control. Tachometers, thermocouples, RTDs, precision voltages, current loops, strain gauges, and more can be measured or simulated by Highland's products.
OEM, Embedded, and Custom Electronics
Picosecond timingPrecision analog and mixed signal processingDigital delay and pulse generationHigh speed photonics and fiberoptic timing distributionAerospace instrumentation and simulation
Precision fiberoptic and free-space interfaces provide high-speed, low-jitter and low noise signal conversion, and transport of analog and digital signals.
Highland Technology is a member of VITA, the VME standards body, and continues to release new technology into the VME market. As other bus architectures come and go, Highland remains confident that VME will maintain its position as the architecture of choice for essential, long life cycle programs.
Waveform Generators
Highland offers waveform generators across a wide range of forms and performance. From simple 4 channel function generators to our flagship arbitrary waveform generators with interchannel modulation, system mastering capability, and unlimited synchronization capability, all of our waveform generators are designed to allow synchronous signal generation for easy integration into end systems.
8-Channel VME Function Generator
The V340 provides eight independent DDS-synthesized waveform outputs, each programmable for frequency and amplitude. Any output may be switched to a front-panel test connector, allowing in-crate calibration check without removing field cables.
6-Channel VME Buffered Electrical-to-Optical Converter
The V720 is a six-channel logic-level electrical-to-optical converter, packaged as a single-width, 6U VME module. It may be used with compatible Highland optical receiver modules for fast, low-jitter, EMI-proof distribution of pulses, triggers, and precision timing signals.
12-Channel VME Current Loop/Process Control I/O Module
The V220 is ideal for driving and sensing transducers in computer or PLC-based control systems. It can also be used to simulate complex industrial processes to control systems under development and certification.
8-Channel VME 32 MHz Arbitrary Waveform Generator
The V346 provides eight independent digitally synthesized waveform outputs, each programmable for frequency, amplitude, and phase.
24-Channel VME Synchro/LVDT Simulation/Acquisition Module
The V545 is a generalized- DSP-based sinewave processor intended for both simulation and acquisition of LVDTs, RVDTs, synchros, and resolvers. 24 generalized, isolated channels are provided. Each channel can be a signal source or a measurement input. Users can program any desired relationship between input and output channels, allowing simulation and measurement of a wide range of inductive transducers, using internal or external excitation.
48-Channel VME Isolated Digital Input Module
The V280 is a single-wide, 6U VME module that includes 48 isolated logic inputs. It is available in versions for nominal 5 volt or 24 volt input levels. The V280 has independently programmable rising and falling edge response times to support contact debounce, glitch catching, and DC or AC inputs.
8-Channel VME Isolated Resistance Simulator
The V420 is an 8-channel, isolated, programmable resistance simulator. It uses entirely solid-state simulation to eliminate transient errors associated with relay switching, and provide for monotonic resistance changes. Channels are individually programmable in four resistance ranges, from 5 ohms to 65.5K. Channels can operate from microvolts up to 35V / 50mA. Overload protection and channel error detection are included.