Gemini Data Loggers Ltd.
As well as manufacturing Tinytag data loggers, all Tinytag hardware, firmware and software is designed in-house, enabling tight quality control and the flexibility to respond to customer needs. Proud of its innovative designs, Gemini Data Loggers is committed to on-going product development with 10% of its revenue spent on development.
- +44 (0)1243 813000
- +44 (0)1243 531948
- Scientific House
Terminus Road
Chichester, West Sussex PO19 8UJ
United Kingdom
Count Input0 to 255n
A count input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case. Common applications include flow rate and quantity monitoring.You can find more information on Tinytag count data loggers in this application note:
Current Input0 to 20mA
Current input data logger. A current input data logger that is housed in a robust, waterproof (IP68) rated case. The TGPR-0804 can be used to record the output from a number of industry standard 4-20mA sensors. Common applications include pressure and flow rate monitoring.
Current logger0 to 20mA
Supplied with an input cable, this logger can measure current between 0 and 20mA DC and can be connected to many industry standard devices, such as CO2 sensors and current clamps, enabling the logging of a wide range of process parameters.
Current Logger0 to 25mA DC
The TV-4804 measures current from 0 to 25mA DC and can be connected to a variety of industry standard sensors enabling the logging of a wide range of process parameters.
Data Logger with Temperature & Relative Humidity Probe
The TGP-4505 has a temperature and relative humidity probe with a 1.5m cable length. This unit features a coated RH sensor that has good resistance to moisture and condensation, ensuring measurement reliability.
Data Logger with Temperature & Relative Humidity Probe
The TV-4505 is ideal for measuring temperature and relative humidity in difficult to access areas, such as packing cases containing works of art.
Deep Water Logger Kit-40 to 85C
The deep water data logger kit contains a compact 16-bit data logger with a capacity of 16,000 readings (Tinytag Talk 2), housed within a stainless steel container (Tinytag Deep Water Container) designed to withstand depths up to 10km.
Dual Channel External Temperature
This unit has connections for two external probes (not included) and is ideal for comparing ambient and process conditions or comparing two different processes.
Dual Channel Temperature Internal/External
This logger has an integral sensor and a connection for an external probe (not included) that makes the unit ideal for comparing ambient and process conditions.
Dual Channel Temperature/Relative Humidity
This unit records temperature and humidity using self-contained sensors. It can record temperatures between -25 and +85C and relative humidity between 0 to 100%. The unit is waterproof, so it can be used outside.
Dual Channel Temperature/Relative Humidity-40 to +85C/0 to100% RH
This model is battery powered and measures both temperature and humidity using built-in sensors, providing cost effective environmental monitoring ideal for inaccessible locations.
External Temperature-40 to +125C
This model is battery powered and measures temperature using an external probe, providing cost-effective environmental monitoring ideal for inaccessible locations or where a faster response time is required.
External Temperature for 3-wire PT1000 Probe
PT1000 probes are available with this logger that will record down to -200C, making them suitable for cryogenic applications. The probes are of 3-wire construction and use class A elements, making them more accurate than their 2-wire predecessors.
External Temperature for PT100 Probe
This data logger uses an external PT100 probe to record high temperatures. Probes are available to measure up to 300 and 600C. These are listed in the 'You will also need' section. The PT100 probes are of 3-wire construction and use class A elements, making them more accurate than their 2-wire predecessors.
High Sensitivity Shock0 to 5g
The TGP-0605 measures low level impacts and can be used for machine condition monitoring and the monitoring of expensive and/or fragile shipments.