Physical Electronics
Physical Electronics (PHI) is a subsidiary of ULVAC-PHI, the world's leading supplier of UHV surface analysis instrumentation used for research and development of advanced materials in a number of high technology fields including: nanotechnology, microelectronics, storage media, bio-medical, and basic materials such as metals, polymers, and coatings. PHI’s innovative XPS, AES, and SIMS technologies provide our customers with unique tools to solve challenging materials problems and accelerate the development of new materials and products.
- (952)-828-6100
- 18725 Lake Drive East
Chanhassen, MN 55317
United States
Refurbished Equipment
These instruments have been fully refurbished at PHI and performance has been brought up to the original specifications. All instruments are backed with the same 1-year warranty as a new instrument. Prices include installation, warranty, and training. Once the warranty expires, a wide range of service contracts are also available to meet your requirements. Below is a list of refurbished instruments currently available.
Time-of-Flight SIMS
PHI’s patented TRIFT mass spectrometer with Parallel Imaging MS/MS provides superior sensitivity, low spectral background, unique ability to image highly topographic surfaces, high mass accuracy and mass resolution, and unambiguous high mass peaks identification with parallel tandem MS imaging capability. The PHI nanoTOF II can be configured with a wide variety of options to optimize performance for organic materials, inorganic materials, or both, depending on customer requirements.
Scanning Auger Nanoprobe
PHI 710
The PHI 710 Scanning Auger Nanoprobe is a unique, high performance Auger Electron Spectroscopy AES instrument that provides elemental and chemical state information from sample surfaces and nano-scale features, thin films, and interfaces. Designed as a high performance Auger, the PHI 710 provides the superior Auger imaging performance, spatial resolution, sensitivity, and the spectral energy resolution needed to address your most demanding AES applications.
Scanning XPS/HAXPES Microprobe
PHI Quantes
The PHI Quantes is the only commercially available automated, high-throughput lab-based HAXPES spectrometer. It is a unique scanning X-ray photoelectron microprobe that combines a high energy (HAXPES) monochromatic X-ray source (Chromium Kα) with a conventional monochromatic soft X-ray source (Aluminum Kα). Both sources are high flux focused X-ray beams that can be scanned across the sample surface and can be used to define analysis points, areas, lines, and maps with 100% confidence.
Scanning XPS Microprobe
PHI Quantera II
The core technology of the PHI Quantera II is PHI’s patented, monochromatic, micro-focused, scanning x-ray source which provides excellent large area and superior micro-area spectroscopy performance. Spectroscopy, depth profiling, and imaging can all be performed over the full range of x-ray beam sizes including the minimum x-ray beam size of less than 7.5 µm. In addition to superior XPS performance characteristics the PHI Quantera II provides two in situ sample parking stations which enables the automated analysis of all three sample platens in a single user defined analysis queue.
Scanning XPS Microprobe
PHI VersaProbe III
The PHI VersaProbe III is a highly versatile, multi-technique instrument with PHI’s patented, monochromatic, micro-focused, scanning X-ray source. The instrument offers a true SEM-like ease of operation with superior micro area spectroscopy and excellent large area capabilities. The fully integrated multi-technique platform of the PHI VersaProbe III offers an array of optional excitation sources, sputter ion sources, and sample treatment and transfer capabilities. These features are essential in studying today’s advanced materials and in supporting your material characterization and problem-solving needs.