Absolute Analysis
Absolute Analysis provides the most comprehensive and easiest-to-use serial protocol test instruments on the market. With over 15 years in the protocol test industry, we are 100% focused on developing highly innovative protocol test systems with the most powerful functionality and the best service. Absolute Analysis products help you solve today’s problems and provide upgradeability and scalability to meet tomorrow’s challenges. Engineers in high-speed serial communication development, manufacturing, integration and field service in Storage Networking, Aerospace and Defense, Telecom and Datacom industries all benefit from our products and services.
- 1-800-452-5174
- AAsupport@absoluteanalysis.com
- 2393 Teller Road
Suite 109
Newbury Park, CA 91320
United States
Ethernet Protocol Analyzer
Absolute Analysis Investigator features the most flexible, scalable and versatile instrument for protocol test and verification. The architecture is extensible to support multiple protocols and multiple test applications to meet the expanding requirements of various network topologies. CPRI, Serial RapidIO, Fiber Channel, Ethernet (10, 100, 1000, 10G), Serial FPDP, Custom military or secure protocols.
RF Test Spectrum Measurements over CPRI
Integris 3000
Most modern cell tower network configurations place the Remote Radio Head (RRH) at the top of the tower and the baseband unit(BBU) at the bottom of the tower. While this configuration is advantageous for both computational efficiency and mitigation of RF loss across the cable, it means the only place along RF can be accessed is at the top of the tower. This forces field technicians to have to climb the tower to measure and debug RF noise problems.
RRH/RRH Installation Tester
Integris 2000
Field installation teams for RRH s have a difficult task in validating the installation for proper cabling and RRH operation. This is because the BBU that connects to the RRH is not present during the RRH installation, making it impossible to truly know if the tower cabling and RRH have been installed properly.