IPEC are experts in On-line Partial Discharge (PD) testing of MV and HV plants. We develop world leading technology in the detection and location of PD in cables, switchgear and accessories. The ASM, our PD monitor for permanent installation, is used on over 3,500 HV assets around the world; by both utilities and industrial.
- +44 (0) 161 226 0045
- sales@ipec.co.uk
- Rutherford House,
Manchester Science Park,
Manchester,, M15 6SZ,
United Kingdom
High Frequency Current Transformer
The HFCT is a high frequency current transformer designed specifically for picking up partial discharge signals. It has a split core ferrite to allow retrospective fitting to earth straps without the need for disconnection. The durable body has a hinge and a quick release latch, making use quick and easy. The HFCT is constructed with an aluminium body to provide RF shielding and improved performance in noisy environments.
Online Partial Discharge Monitor
The ASM-E is a permanent partial discharge monitor for cables, switchgear and other high voltage assets.The ASM-E can be configured with up to 128 PD sensor channels. If excessive discharge is detected, the ASM-E raises an alarm that can be configured either locally or by email/SMS. This enables the long-term assessment of plant conditions to be carried out quickly and easily, from any remote computer.
Portable PD Monitoring
The ASM-P can be configured with up to 32 PD sensor channels. If excessive discharge is detected, the ASM-P raises an alarm that can be configured either locally or by email/SMS. This enables the long-term assessment of plant conditions to be carried out quickly and easily, from any remote computer.
Cable Partial Discharge (PD) Spot Testing And Locating
PrecisePD is an on-line PD Spot Testing and PD location system for Cables and Switchgear with advanced signal processing, used for the detection of PD in high noise environments.
Portable Switchgear Partial Discharge
The PD-SG1 is a dual transducer Switchgear PD detection instrument. The unit detects TEV signals generated by internal discharge, as well as acoustic discharge generated by surface tracking or corona.
Fibre Linked EHV And Distributed Assets PD Monitoring System
The EHV-PDM is a PD monitoring system designed for application on critical EHV and distributed assets, where the monitoring point could be many hundreds of metres or tens of kilometres apart. Fibre linked monitoring points transmit PD data over long distances to the main monitoring unit, which then processes the data and displays the results on a secure customer web front end.
Acoustic Probe
The AA-Ultrasonic acoustic probe is designed for use on air insulated terminations where a clear sound path between the electrically stressed insulation and the probe is present. The sensor is extremely sensitive and can detect activity below 10pC. The probe has a magnetic base to allow coupling to steel enclosures and a swivel head as so the detecting sensor can be aimed directly at the HV point. Corona in air and surface tracking can seriously damage high voltage insulating surfaces in a way that will ultimately lead to flashover and complete failure of the insulator. This discharge activity creates acoustic emission that can be detected using a high frequency sensor. The magnitude of the acoustic emission is indicative of the degree and severity of the discharge activity.