Media Solutions
Media Solutions designs and manufactures the world's most comprehensive handheld HDBaseT testers and other advanced solutions, including video network controllers for smart home and commercial AV integration. The Media Solutions team has extensive HDBaseT experience and partners with some of the leading Pro AV integration providers around the world.
- 1-888-3458995
972-3-7207710 - Hashizaf 4
Ra’anana, 4366411
HDBaseT Tester
The MS-TestPro is the only HDBaseT tester that is all-inclusive, 100% reliable, portable and affordable, making it an indispensable tool for all installers and integrators. It provides AV professionals with all the information that they need while in the field to enable them to verify the integrity and stability of every system tested down to the last detail. Moreover, the MS-TestPro generates a report including all the parameters necessary to certify link quality and status up to 4K Ultra High Definition. The report can then be transferred to a computer or even to a smartphone for use by both installer and end-user.