Quartzlock (UK) Ltd.
For more than 5 decades Quartzlock have been specialising in measurement science, and building off-air (LF and GPS) and atomic (rubidium and hydrogen) frequency referencing standards and calibration equipment. Our products are used worldwide for referencing and calibration at the highest level in research and development, production testing, frequency referencing and time & frequency metrology.
- +44 (0) 1444 232 967
- sales@quartzlock.com
- 179 Junction Road
Burgess Hill
West Sussex,, England RH15 0JW
United Kingdom
The Quartzlock A6-CPS is a board level product designed for synchronising two stable oscillators. A typical example is the locking of a low phase noise OCXO to a rubidium frequency standard. The product uses a digital implementation of a standard phase lock loop.
This is a module to control an OCXO or Rubidium oscillator with 1PPS from a GPS receiver. The Quartzlock A6-1PPS uses a 3 state Kalman filter algorithm to measure & correct the frequency offset of the oscillator with respect to the 1PPS input. Time-tagged input 1PPS to 200ps resolution & <1ns jitter. Analog interpolator is self calibrating. Interface to GPS decodes messages & extracts relevant info. i.e. time correction data for 1PPS output, this has AVAR of the Rb or OCXO i.e. 5 x 10-12/s & <100ps RMS jitter. The output is steered to time coincidence with GPS time/UTC to 1ns resolution. Holdover initiated by 1PPS fail or data from GPS RX that 1PPS is inaccurate. During holdover, measured frequency offset & drift steer the oscillator & 1PPS is still available.
A comprehensive range of frequency convertors to meet a wide range of needs.
GPS Time and Frequency Standards
Our range of GPS disciplined Rubidium Oscillator, OCXO and TCXO, low cost and stable, time and frequency references in a variety of rack mount and desktop sizes to suit all applications. For a technical discussion of GPS go here or select a link below for product information.
Signal Stability Analyser
A self-contained phase/frequency analyser. Its area of use includes measurement of frequency stability and spectral purity of signal sources from 3MHz to 919MHz. Stability of amplifiers, cables, or other passive devices can be measured. Allen Variance (AV) and Power Spectral Density (PSD) graphs are automatically generated.
Space Qualified Oscillators
Our range of space qualified precise low noise rubidium oscillators. These highly accurate space qualified frequency references are used in Satellite Navigation Systems, Intelligence Reconnaissance Satellites, Military Communication Satellites, Deep-Space Survey and Space Stations
Rubidium Oscillators
Our range of precise low noise rubidium oscillators in a variety of sizes to suit all appliations. These acurate frequency references are used in telecoms, aviation, nautical and precision test and measurement enviroments.
Ultra Low Noise, Rubidium Frequency Standard.
Frequency Referencing, Calibration, Standards Lab, Production Test for Oscillator Manufacturers. A very high stability LOW NOISE 10MHz Rubidium Reference, primarily for production test of quartz oscillators and RF instrumentation frequency referencing. This industry standard 2U rack-mount instrument has a long heritage and ongoing production life for this latest 2009 version that features RS232 monitoring and control of the DPLL, locking the Ultra Low Noise OCXO to the Rubidium. Damping and Bandwidth is controlled by integrator digital gain, proportional digital gain, pre-filter order and subsample rate. Eight values of user selected bandwidth are available.
GPS Frequency Reference
The Quartzlock E8000 GPS Frequency Reference is a breakthrough in exceptionally low cost, traceable, 1-U rack mount, calibration-free, off-air frequency & time standards. These very low cost references maintain the high frequency & time accuracy required for demanding applications. Ultra low noise option are available.
Rubidium Instruments
Our range of atomic / rubidium disciplined time and frequency standards in a variety of enclosures and sizes to suit all appliations. These acurate time and frequency references are used in telecoms, aviation, nautical and precision test and measurement enviroments.
1U, Rack Mount, Pulse Distribution amplifier
The Quartzlock A5000P is a 1U, rack mount, pulse distribution amplifier
Digital Phase Locked Loop (PLL)
The A6-CPS digital phase locked loop (PLL) can be customised to a specific application and shipped ready for use in production.