Klocke Nanotechnik
Manufacture nanotechnology equipement.
- +49 (0)2461-931 3337
- info@nanomotor.de
- Grosse Rurstr. 30
Juelich, 52428
The patented Nanomotor is the heart of any manipulator. Three independent linear stages are used in every single manipulator. The manipulator provides 0.5 nm resolution in all three axis. All manipulators can be used in air setups or inside of electron microscopes. Docking stations allow an easy transport between any setup.
A new set of motorized tables developed by Klocke Nanotechnik allows high strokes at small volumes. The modules are driven by the Nanomotor®. Loads of up to two kg can be moved over centimeters of stroke with down to 2 nm resolution. Manipulation in many degrees of freedom is possible without backlash. The modules NMT xx-L are longer, but thin like a pencil. In most of the NMT-modules position measurement systems can be included without increasing the size. The resolution of the position sensor is better than 10 nm. All NMT modules can easily be fixed onto each other. Very small connectors allow the exchange of a module without removing cables. The NMT-Zxx are modules for vertical movement. They have an internal load compensation to lift up loads. Nanomotor-Grippers and force sensors that can easily be fixed on these modules are available.
The Nanomotor®
The patented Nanomotor® is a piezo driven linear motor. It is a multifunctional basic part for many positioning and manipulation devices. It has a positioning stroke of up to more than a centimeter while operating with atomic resolution. The Nanomotor thus bridges eight orders of magnitude. The Nanomotor consists of a cylindrical housing and a slider with a free axial hole inside. It combines high resolution in the sub-nanometer range with a large positioning stroke. The Nanomotor utilizes a piezo tube for fine positioning and a shock wave produced by the same piezo tube for coarse movements. The small Nanomotor is half the size of a match stick. It can lift six times its own mass. Every point of its stroke can be reached with a speed of up to 1 mm/s. The Nanomotor also works in ultrahigh vacuum or even under water. It is driven by a PC card at a supply voltage of only ±15 volts.
The Nanoworkbench
In light microscopy it is natural to use toolsets like tweezers, knives, probes and several different measurement tools. Without this many present-day products and methods would not exist. The operators of SEM/FIB-Systems generally work without toolsets, although the wavelength limit of light is no physical boundary. It can be imagined how technology would be pushed when a SEM/FIB Workbench reaches the same degree of practicability and utilization as toolsets for light microscopes. The Nanoworkbench is the first system substituting the eye-hand coordination effectively with nm precision in a SEM/FIB-system. The Nanoworkbench features a set of applications including TEM lamella preparation, nano probing, nano cutting, nano cleaning, force distance measurement, particle sorting and material preparation. Every application supports automated processes so almost no user interaction is needed. Even complex processes can be done within seconds and even by untrained users. Applications can be combined to create new and more complex processes. Expanding the SEM/FIB to a material processing system and a nano-analytical workbench by utilizing the Klocke Nanoworkbench enables new applications in research and production of material research, live sciences, tribology, environmental & forensic research and semiconductor technology.
Linear Stages
A new set of motorized tables developed by Klocke Nanotechnik allows high strokes at small volumes. The modules are driven by the Nanomotor®. Loads of up to two kg can be moved over centimeters of stroke with down to 2 nm resolution. Manipulation in many degrees of freedom is possible without backlash. The modules NMT xx-L are longer, but thin like a pencil. In most of the NMT-modules position measurement systems can be included without increasing the size. The resolution of the position sensor is better than 10 nm. All NMT modules can easily be fixed onto each other. Very small connectors allow the exchange of a module without removing cables. The NMT-Zxx are modules for vertical movement. They have an internal load compensation to lift up loads. Nanomotor-Grippers and force sensors that can easily be fixed on these modules are available.