The Dickson Company
Dickson has been THE source for top quality Data Loggers and Chart Recorders for over 80 years.
- 1-800-757-3747
1-630-543-3747 - 1-630-543-0498
- 930 S. Westwood Ave.
Addison, IL 60101-4917
United States
Chart Recorders
A chart recorder is an instrument used to record various process and electrical signals. The most traditional chart recorders record data on paper. The paper is passed under a pen and the pen is deflected in proportion to the signal. The result is a graph or chart of the data.
Data Loggers
Data loggers are electronic devices which automatically monitor and record environmental parameters over time, allowing conditions to be measured, documented, analysed and validated. The data logger contains a sensor to receive the information and a computer chip to store it.