Microstar Laboratories, Inc.
Microstar Laboratories produces a line of Data Acquisition Processor (DAP) boards, each with an onboard processor, memory, and a dedicated, multitasking, real-time operating system.
- (425) 453-2345
- (425) 453-3199
- info@mstarlabs.com
- 2265 116th Avenue NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
United States
Counter/Timer Board
MSXB 036
The MSXB 036 Counter/Timer Board is used for frequency counting, rotational speed (tachometer) measurement, and closed loop process control based on frequency criteria. Engine performance monitoring is a typical application. The Counter/Timer Board provides 16 digital input lines and 16 digital output lines, counts up to 6 MHz on 10 channels, and has two 100 MHz frequency prescalers.
Data Acquisition Board
DAP 4200a
The DAP 4200a is an excellent choice for applications where there is a need for real-time processing of data in the time interval between samples, and for applications requiring fast sample rates. Much of the DAP 4200a design is similar to that of the DAP 3200a/415, but the DAP 4200a has a PCI host interface, and is capable of high speed data transfers to the host PC.
Data Acquisition Processor Board
DAP 5000a
When your application needs Pentium-powered real-time processing under Windows, choose the DAP 5000a. Even at maximum sampling rates, the combination of a fast processor with low latency allows computation in real time between samples – and on-time response for control applications.
Digital Backplane Interface Board
MSXB 033
The Microstar Laboratories Digital Backplane Interface Board, part number MSXB 033, interfaces the Digital Backplane with a Data Acquisition Processor. The Digital Backplane Interface Board must be installed in the Digital Backplane to connect the backplane to a Data Acquisition Processor.
Digital Backplanes
MSXB 034
Digital Backplanes provide expansion slots to accommodate compatible digital external boards. Digital Backplanes are passive, and connect all signals in each of the expansion slots in parallel. All expansion slots are identical.
Digital Expansion Board
MSXB 013
Digital Expansion Boards. The MSXB 013 Digital Input/Output Expansion Board expands 16 digital input lines and 16 digital output lines to 64 digital input lines and 64 digital output lines.
Digital Termination Boards
MSTB 008
For quick and secure connection of discrete wires to a Data Acquisition Processor (DAP) board, use the MSTB 008 Digital Termination Board.
Entry-Level Data Acquisition
DAP 840
The DAP 840 has all of the features needed for an entry-level data acquisition or control application with light real-time processing, and provides all of the benefits of onboard intelligence.
Filtered Analog Input Expansion Board
MSXB 048
The MSXB 048 Filtered Analog Input Expansion Board has a four-pole low-pass Butterworth filter on each of its 16 single-ended channels. For DAP applications that require analog filters to take out all above-Nyquist frequencies before signal conversion, it simply replaces the MSXB 037 Analog Input Expansion board. Signal inputs normally connect to the MSXB 048 through a panel-mount DB-37 connector.
High Speed PCI Data Acquisition Processors
DAP 5400a
The DAP 5400a model, a board optimized for simultaneous sampling at extreme speeds, has eight A/D converters that sample simultaneously with 14-bit resolution at 1.25M samples per second each, for a total throughput of 10M samples per second. Or for higher speeds per channel, each board can sample each of 4 channels at 2M samples per second.
LVDS Board
MSXB 045
The MSXB 045 LVDS board works with multiple iDSC 1816 boards to provide synchronization for many channels of data. An MSXB 045 board in each of two or more networked PCs, that each contain one or more iDSC 1816 boards, allows the whole networked system to work as a single synchronized system with possibly hundreds of conditioned channels.
MSXB 042
MSXB 042
The MSXB 042 Analog Termination Board allows quick and secure connection of discrete wires to the iDSC 1816 Board. MSXB 042 includes locations to install voltage divider resistors and 0-20mA termination resistors, as well as a Cold Junction Compensation (CJC) circuit for thermocouple applications.
Multiple Digital Expansion Boards
MSXB 038
Multiple Digital Expansion Boards can be connected to a single DAP for a total of 128 digital input lines and 1024 digital output lines. Input expansion is at a maximum with eight MSXB 038 boards (128 points). Output can be expanded to 1024 points by connecting 64 MSXB 038 boards to a single DAP.
Opto-Isolator Board
MSXB 039
Opto-Isolator Board allows quick and secure connection of discrete wires at high DC and AC voltages to up to 8 separately-available optically isolated digital switching/sensing modules. Each channel may be configured for input or output.
DAP 4000a
Use the DAP 4000a in data acquisition and control applications that require light-to-moderate real-time processing.