Abraxas Software, Inc.
Abraxas Software is best known for two products. The first is the professional language development tool PCYACC which has been on the market since 1984, PCYACC is primarily used to develop embedded languages in third party products using languages such as SQL or SGML.
- (503) 802-0810
- sales@abxsoft.com
- 4726 SE Division St
Portland, OR 97206
United States
C/C++ Source Code Analysis
CodeCheck is a programmable tool for checking all C and C++ source code on a file or project basis. CodeCheck is input compatible with all variants of Standard K&R C, Standard ANSI-C/C++, and all C and C++ compiler vendors. We support GCC-GNU Open Source C/C++ compilers. CodeCheck is designed to solve all of your Portability, Maintainability, Complexity, Reusability, Quality Assurance, Style Analysis, Library/Class Management, Code Review, Software Metric, Standards Adherence, and C++ Corporate Compliance Problems.