Agilent Technologies
Agilent supports scientists in 110 countries in cutting-edge life science research; patient diagnostics; and testing required to ensure the safety of water, food and pharmaceuticals. Our advanced instruments, software, consumables, and services enable our customers to produce the most accurate and reliable results as well as optimal scientific, economic, and operational outcomes.
- 877-424-4536
408-345-8886 - 408-345-8474
- 5301 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, CA 95051
United States
Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS)
Agilent liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) brings powerful analytical capability to a wide range of applications. Complete LC/MS workflows feature sample preparation, InfinityLab chromatography, and Agilent mass spectrometry, as well as software to acquire high-quality data and turn it into definitive answers.The Agilent family of liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry instruments provides the versatility and performance to solve virtually any analytical challenge. A broad selection of ion sources enables the most flexible detection for the variety of compound classes amenable to HPLC separation and beyond. Powerful software along with curated compound databases and libraries allow you to quickly set up an LC/MS or LC/MS/MS method for your specific application.
Real Time PCR Systems
Learn about Agilent’s Real Time PCR system including the newest generation AriaMx system, and find everything you need for your qPCR applications, from kits, instruments, enzymes, master mixes, reagents, optical cartridges, plastics, supplies to software and more. The AriaMx Real-time PCR System is a fully integrated quantitative PCR amplification, detection, and data analysis system. The AriaMx amplifies your productivity with its unique modular and flexible design, intuitive touch-screen interface, advanced, easy-to-use reporting, and 120+ attributes monitored via the built-in on-board diagnostics to help pinpoint assay or instrument issues as they arise.
Dissolution Testing
Agilent offers laboratories the pharmaceutical dissolution testing apparatus, dissolution accessories, and dissolution software for efficient and reliable dosage form testing. Extensive dissolution skills training is also offered to meet the needs of all busy laboratory analysts. Feel confident with Agilent dissolution testing apparatuses. All systems meet the international harmonized guidance requirements defined by USP, EP, CP, IPC, and JP for effective drug dosage form testing. Laboratory analysts can efficiently meet data integrity requirements too. Working to Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) part 11 compliance standards is readily achieved using Agilent dissolution testing software.
Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS)
Agilent has led innovation and performance in gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for over 40 years, from the first Agilent benchtop GC/MS through to the MS/MS-capable GC/Q-TOF dedicated to gas chromatography.The Agilent gas chromatography/mass spectrometry family of instruments and accessories provides the efficiency, flexibility, and robust performance that modern analytical laboratories require. Advances in ion source technology further enhance GC/MS robustness, and GC/MS libraries and analyzers allow you to quickly set up a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry method for simplified startup of specific applications.
Microarray Processing
Learn about our selection of Microarray Scanners & Equipment for your research workflows. It includes the SureScan Microarray Scanner, software and accessories. Accessories include software, backing slides, hybridization chambers, microarray hybridization ovens, hybridization oven accessories, and stabilization & drying solutions. The SureScan Microarray Scanner is the foundation of our complete microarray solution that offers outstanding sensitivity and resolution, delivering flexibility to analyze genomics and cytogenetics microarrays. The small footprint of the SureScan Microarray Scanner allows lab space to be optimized while improving the sensitivity and maintaining the broadest dynamic range. Read on to find more about our microarray scanners.
GC Analyzers
Agilent’s GC Analyzer portfolio can combine multiple methods into a single system, with proven results, and significantly reduce time required from system arrival to final calibration and validation. With our preconfigured gas chromatograph hardware and method-specific separation tools, you can spend more time focusing on sample processing than on method and system development. Our specific GC Analyzer solutions provide the components and specifications to quickly install new methods for a fast return on investment in various application areas, such as environmental, gas impurities, forensics, pharmaceuticals, dissolved gas, energy, and chemical applications.
LC/MS Instruments
Agilent’s LC/MS systems deliver excellent and reliable performance for diverse applications ranging from routine QC to cutting-edge research. Our Q-TOF, single quadrupole and triple quadrupole LC/MS instruments benefit from our long history of mass spectrometry and LC/MS expertise.
GC/MS Instruments
Agilent’s GC/MS instruments have the efficiency, flexibility and robust performance that modern analytical laboratories demand. Our array of GC/Q-TOF, triple quadrupole GC/MS, and single quadrupole GC/MSD instruments feature low instrument detection limits. Our GC/MS systems feature the functionality needed to operate effectively in any environment or application.
MassHunter Suite
Our MassHunter Software delivers outstanding performance in all MS processes. The powerful mass spectrometry software package provides user-friendly instrument control, monitoring, and data analysis. We also complement the MassHunter data system with specialized add on modules and analysis packages, to support specific mass spectrometry data applications in metabolomics, proteomics, biopharma and more.
FTIR Microscopes & Imaging Systems
Agilent's FTIR imaging systems and microscopes deliver superb imaging sensitivity at high spectral and spatial resolutions in applications such as polymer defect analysis, measurement of live cells in water, and the determination of chemical changes in tissues without staining. The Cary 610 is a single point FTIR microscope for accurate mapping, while the Cary 620 is a Focal Plane Array (FPA) chemical imaging system, featuring innovative optics that deliver outstanding levels of detail.
FTIR Benchtop Systems
Agilent’s FTIR benchtop instruments provide industry-leading sensitivity and efficiency in a variety of materials research applications. We have the system for your needs, whether you require robust and consistent operation for routine petro-chemical analysis, or high sensitivity and a wide spectral range for research in polymer analysis or material science. Our versatile and intuitive Cary FTIR systems can also be enhanced with an extensive portfolio of accessories and supplies.
GC System
Agilent's Gas Chromatography systems provide modern laboratories with new performance expectations by increasing analytical performance, reducing cost of ownership, and saving capital expenditure investing. These benchtop, on-line, and portable GC systems (available for in-lab and field analysis) are all supported with Agilent's 10-year Value Promise Guarantee demonstrating our commitment to long-term reliability.
Fluorescence Spectrophotometry
Agilent’s fluorescence systems, built by a global leader in fluorescence technology and molecular spectroscopy, are used by labs all over the world. The unique Xenon flash lamp technology in our Cary Eclipse Spectrophotometer delivers superior flexibility and sensitivity, and is ideally suited for use with fiber optic technology and bio-sample analysis. The Cary Eclipse is a high-performance workhorse for your analytical needs, providing robust, consistent results in every application.
FTIR Analyzer Packages
Our FTIR analyzer packages ensure that your FTIR systems perform to the highest standards for your analysis of choice. The 4500 Polymer ID Package determines restricted phthalate levels in polymers in seconds. It is ideal for efficient QA/QC and supply chain monitoring for food additives, biochemicals and other compounds. The portable 4500a FTIR forensics analyzer can identify liquid or solid substances, such as explosives or toxic chemicals, in under a minute. It also features an extensive reference database.