Radiant Technologies, Inc.
Since 1988 Radiant has provided Ferroelectric and Multiferrroic Test Systems making Radiant number one in the industry for Ferroelectric, Multiferroic, Piezoelectric, and Magneto Testing.
- 800-289-7176
505-842-8007 - 505-842-0366
- 2835B Pan American Freeway NE
Albuquerque, NM 87107
United States
Magneto-electric Testing
An exciting new area of scientific exploration examines the potential usefulness where magnetic field effects occur simultaneously with ferroelectric effects in materials and structures. Where these two properties, ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity, are coupled in the same material, the material is called a multiferroic. Radiant offers Magnetoelectric response bundle/software package to measure the magnetic coupling of multiferroic or magnetopiezoelectric devices.
Pyroelectric and Thermal Testing
The optional Chamber Task measures the Pulse Polarization response and Small Signal Capacitance of a Pyroelectric material that is being heated and/or cooled within a thermal chamber, on a hot chuck or in a furnace. From these measurements the Spontaneous Polarization Pr(q) and the Dielectric Constant er(q) are computed. These are then combined to determine the Electrical Displacement D(q) as a function of the temperature q.
Piezoelectric Testing
Radiant Technologies, Inc. specializes in the measurement of electrical and piezoelectric properties of non-linear materials. The Piezoelectric Task captures a sample's displacement as a function of voltage profile along with the sample's polarization response. An external displacement measurement instrument must be attached to a Radiant Precision Test System to make this measurement. All of the Radiant testers are equipped with a high-impedance voltage input to capture the output of a displacement sensor. Every Vision measurement task will collect data from that sensor input simultaneously with the measurement being executed. Radiant's test systems work easily with displacement sensors which include:
Ferroelectric Test System
Precision LC II is an affordable Ferroelectric Tester for research labs. This system offers 5Khz at 9.9V and also comes in a built in 10V, 30V, 100V, and 200V option. This unit can also be expanded to 10kV for bulk ceramic testing. Vision Software is provided with the LCII Test System. Vision uniquely allows the user to construct complex or simple programs with any number of tests to characterize all aspects of the sample in one execution while keeping track of the measurement results and the history of the sample being tested. Tasks such as Hysteresis, I/V, C/V, PUND, Waveform, Magnetoelectrics, Piezoelectrics are just a few features to choose from.
Chamber/Pyroelectric Task
Radiant's Chamber/Pyroelectric Task sets the sample to a series of temperatures by performingGPIB control of an external thermal device. At each temperature it captures the sample’s polarization response and/or small-signalcapacitance. These are combined to calculate the pyroelectric coefficient. The Pyroelectric Task is to be used with a Radiant Test System and a Linkam Stage (-196C to 600C), Thermal Chambers, Hot Chucks, or a Furnace to automatically measure the Pulse Polarization response and Small Signal Capacitance of a Pyroelectric material that is being heated and/or cooled. Radiant's Pyroelectric measurement Task can be added to Vision at additional cost. This measurement suite fully characterizes the pyroelectric charge (polarization) response of the sample under test. The Pyroelectric Task suite controls various thermal controllers such as Quantum Design, Lake Shore, Delta Design, and many others. Detailed Listing of Thermal Controllers Registered in Vision. The Chamber/Pyroelectric Task is quoted upon request.
Precision Multiferroic and Ferroelectric Test System
The Precision Multiferroic tester is Radiant's most advanced test system. The Multiferroic has fast built-in frequency at 30kHz measurements using the 200V internal amplifier and 50kHz measurements using the 100V internal amplifier. This system comes in a built-in option of +/-100V, 200V, and 500V and can be expanded to 10kV. This unit also comes with a 18 bit ADC and requires no configuration changes.
Transistor Testing
Radiant is introducing an I2C digital-to-analog converter product that can be attached to the Precision Premier II and is controlled from Vision. The addition of this extra voltage source makes it possible for the Premier II to measure the performance of thin-ferroelectric-film gate transistors (TFFTs and MFSFETs). This document explains the theory for such testing and gives examples of such tests using Radiant's SFRAM transistors as examples.
Ferroelectric Test System
Radiant's Rt66B offers amazing performance at an affordable price. The Rt66B is a perfect entry level system for measuring Ferroelectrics. This system does include Radiant's famous Vision Data Management System which offers all the standard measurements of ferroelectrics including Hysteresis, Fatigue, Waveform, C/V, I/V, PUND and much more.
Ferroelectric Tester
Premier II
The Precision Premier II, is one of Radiant's most advanced test systems. The Premier II has the large envelope in terms of frequency response, voltage range, and accuracy of any ferroelectric tester in the world. Vision Software is provided with the Premier II Test System. Vision uniquely allows the user to construct complex or simple programs with any number of tests to characterize all aspects of the sample in one execution while keeping track of the measurement results and the history of the sample being tested. Tasks such as Hysteresis, I/V, C/V, PUND, Waveform, Magnetoelectrics, Piezoelectrics are just a few features to choice from.
Vision Data Acquisition and Management Software
Vision is the only software package available for ferroelectric testers that provides exceptional freedom to design, conduct, and review all procedures associated with any material experiment.The Vision test environment will collect all of the data acquired in a test sequence and organize it in archived data structures along with the test sequence definitions and data analysis tools, so that the experiment can always be recalled or reproduced.