Dantec Dynamics A/S
Dantec Dynamics delivers turnkey and customized solutions built on high-end laser optics, imaging, and sensor technologies. Our user-friendly software performs advanced data analysis and produces real-time results. Furthermore, we pride ourselves on providing our clients with superior technical application support worldwide.
- +45 44 57 80 00
- 16-18 Tonsbakken
Skovlunde, DK-2740
Laser Sherography NDT Sensor for Post-Production Quality Control or In-Field Component Inspections
The FlawExplorer is a laser shearography NDT sensor designed to be used for post-production quality control applications or in-field (in-service) component inspections. Depending on the application, the sensor can be configured with thermal or vacuum (partial) excitation systems and may also be automated. It incorporates the very latest in phase-shifting technology delivering accurate and reliable measurement results through clear and sharp imaging with sub-micrometer displacement resolution.
Integrated NDT Inspection Device
The FlawHunter is an integrated NDT inspection device, equipped with an advanced, high-resolution Laser Shearography sensor with a vacuum (partial) excitation system. It is ergonomic & easy-to-use and is equipped with a workflow-oriented, GUI-display and left/right-hand button control. Regardless of the application, the FlawHunter provides reliable and resolute measurement results for in-field (service) NDT and quality control (post-production) operations.It can be used on any material & surface provided a stable vacuum can be generated within the vacuum seal (viewable inspection area).
High-Speed Digital Image Correlation System
The 3D High-Speed Image Correlation System Q-450 allows the full-field, non-contact and three-dimensional dynamic measurement of shape, displacements and strains on components and structures made from almost any material. Based on the digital image correlation technique, the Q-450 system is designed for full-field vibration analysis and high speed transient events. This makes it ideal for ballistics testing, fracture mechanics, shock excitations, the Hopkinson Bar test, or Impact Testing.
DIgital 3D Image Correlation System
The Digital 3D Image Correlation System Q-400 is an optical measuring device for true full-field, non-contact, three-dimensional measurement of shape, displacements and strains on components and structures made from almost any material.The Q-400 system is used for determination of three-dimensional material properties in tensile, torsion, bending or combined tests. In addition, deformation and strain analysis can be applied to fatigue tests, fracture mechanics, FEA validation, and much more.
Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA) - Hot-Wire Anemometry - Thermal Anemometry
Constant Temperature Anemometry (CTA), also known as Thermal Anemometry, is a technique for the measurement of turbulence in 1, 2 or 3-dimensional gas and liquid flows, using hot-wire or hot-film probes inserted in the flow. CTA is particularly suitable for the measurement of flows with very fast fluctuations at a point (high turbulence) and the study of flow micro structures, where there is a need to resolve small flow eddies down to the order of tenths of a mm.
Laser Doppler Anemometry
Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA), also known as Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), is an optical technique ideal for non-intrusive 1D, 2D and 3D point measurement of velocity and turbulence distribution in both free flows and internal flows. Science and industry apply our LDA systems to gain a clearer understanding of fluid mechanics. The measurement results are important steps in fine-tuning product designs to improve aerodynamic efficiency, quality and safety.
Measurement System for Heating and Air Conditioning R&D
Our ComfortSense system is designed for research and development of heating and air conditioning systems requiring multi-point measurements of air velocity and temperature. The ComfortSense features omnidirectional sensors with a frequency response of 2 Hz to obtain draught measurements.A Humidity and an Operative Temperature probe are also available together with a powerful application software with graphical presentation of results including the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) and Predicted Percentage Dissatisfied (PPD).
Compact Single-Point Anemometer
ComfortSense Mini
The ComfortSense Mini is a compact and robust single point anemometer that covers a wide range of applications. With an easy exchange of probes, the ComfortSense Mini covers both high velocity measurements in ventilation ducts as well as draught measurements in offices. The velocity probes are based on the well-proven technology of thermal anemometry which offers a wide velocity range, increasing sensitivity as velocity decreases, and fast response. This makes it particularly suitable for very low velocities, at which other methods either fail or become too inaccurate.
Laser Induced Incandescence (LII)
Soot is considered a hazardous pollutant emission and is typically a result of incomplete combustion processes, and thus is also related to combustion performance. Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) is a laser-optical measurement technique dedicated to soot diagnostics. LII can provide measurements of soot volume fraction, such as in Diesel engine exhaust, and even instantaneous images of soot distribution during formation inside a running IC engine.
Shadow Sizing
The Shadow Sizer measures size, shape and velocity of particles using backlighting and image analysis software based on the shadowgraphy technique.The Shadow Sizer can measure a wide range of particles types including bubbles, liquid droplets, solid particles and any object with a well-defined contour.Data is analyzed by DynamicStudio and includes histograms of size distribution, 2.5D spatial distribution plots, cumulative histograms and tables.
Laser Induced Fluorescence (Mixing LIF)
Planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) is an optical diagnostic technique widely used in fluid and gas applications. PLIF has proven to be a valuable tool for flow visualization as well as for quantitative whole-field measurements of scalars such as concentration and temperature in liquid and concentration in gaseous flows. Applications can be found in process engineering, biomedical engineering, and fluid dynamics research.
Time Resolved LIF (TR-LIF)
Today the product family includes systems for Time-resolved Combustion LIF, integrating the latest developments in high-speed imaging and laser technology with software user-friendliness for handling high-speed analysis of even the most demanding turbulent combustion processes.
Rayleigh Themometry
Designed for clean combustion environments with high temperature gradient, our Rayleigh Thermometry system provides all the tools needed for measurements of two-dimensional temperature maps in combustion and heat transfer studies. The technique offers very wide dynamic range that can measure variation from room temperature all the way up to flame temperatures within a single measurement.
Digital Image Correlation (DIC) Measurement System
EduDIC is a complete Digital Image Correlation (DIC) measurement system, designed as a simple and convenient educational training tool for academic courses in experimental solid mechanics. This easy-to-use system allows academic instructors to effectively present the optical measurement technique of DIC for materials testing to the engineers and scientists of tomorrow.
Digital Image Correlation System for Complete 3D Warpage, Thermal Expansion, and Strain Analysis of Materials and Components in the Heating and Cooling Phase
Q-400 TCT
The Q-400 TCT system is designed for complete three-dimensional and highly sensitive warpage, thermal expansion measurement and strain analysis of materials and components in the heating and cooling phase. Areas from 50 mm x 70 mm down to 2 mm x 3 mm can be investigated. Measurements can be done from room temperature up to 300°C and down to -40°C. The system is specially suited for thermal expansion measurement of electronic components and is frequently used in the development and testing of complex anisotropic materials, components, and structures in electronic applications.