Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
Industrial Vision Technology (S) Pte Ltd, former Electronic Measurement System Department, Matsushita Technology (S) Pte Ltd, a member of Panasonic group. The company has been established since December 2003 and comprises of a team of highly knowledgeable engineers, most of whom have extensive experience in designing, developing and deploying electronic measurement systems for factory automation.
- 65 6563 6110
- 65 6563 1556
- Block 67, #06-22/23, Ayer Rajah Crescent
Ayer Rajah Industrial Estate
Singapore, 139950
Photoluminescence Mapping System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
With its unique optical design technology, the System detects and classifies defects that affect yield and uses advanced photoluminescence (PL) technology to enable real-time monitoring of MOCVD production processes.
NUV-PL SiC Defect Inspection System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
Comply with IEC63068-3 Standard: Test method for defects using photoluminescence, Model VS-6845 SiC Wafer defect inspection system has capability on Non-destructive recognition criteria of defects in silicon carbide homoepitaxial wafer for power devices.
Solar Cell PL/EL/IV 3-in-1 Testing System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
This luminescence Analyzer integrates a Photoluminescence (PL), Electroluminescence (EL) , and I-V Measurement Technology, has a Device’s PL image, EL image, as well Device’s I-V characteristics in One system. It is being using to quantitatively map Minority-Carrier Lifetime, and to characterize the defect of silicon wafer & solar wafer, and measure the key parameters from solar cell I-V Curve. It is also a useful tool for scientist to develop other methodology & parameters that can be used as a promising technique for online material monitoring and process control.
Solar Cell I-V Characterization System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
This system provides cell manufactures and laboratories a new way in testing and measuring photovoltaic cells. Integrated with Steady-State Solar Simulator, it provides complete coverage of testing parameters and measurement requirements by most international standards. Its test methods, procedure & equipment are IEC 60904 compliant. Calibration of reference cell is performed at Fraunhofer ISE in Germany, and is traceable to PTB.
Solar Cell I-V Characterization System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
The VS-6825A I-V test system is tailored for high-efficiency Solar cell production lines. It is able to eliminate the impact of HJT/IBC/TOPCON’s high capacitance characteristics on measurement results.
SR/QE Testing System
Industrial Vision Technology Pte Ltd.
Solar Cell Multi-function SR/QE Testing System is specially designed for Photovoltaic Industry to characterize the Optical Performance of Raw material, process wafer, finished solar cell, as well as small Module.