AW Dynamometer, Inc.
AW Dynamometer, Inc. specializes in manufacturing both an array of power-testing dynamometers and specifically designed turn-key systems.
- (800) 447-2511
- 1001 W. North St.
Pontiac,, IL 61764
United States
Engine Dynamometer
Dynamometers come in four different models all using the same basic design - a hydraulic activated prony brake.
PTO Dynamometers
AW is the world leader in AG/PTO dynamometers with over 14,000 units sold. AW's hydraulic activated load unit is water cooled allowing it to test high torque loads for continuous periods of time. AW's heavy duty load units are well known to last for decades. Combine this with all new computerized electronic load control, software, thermocouples, sensors and you have a system second to none - the AG.X Series.
AW I-Series dynamometers are excellent for diesel engine testing as well as other applications. The electronic load control system on this hydraulic activated dynamometer allows for precise and steady control of Power and RPM levels.
AW E Series Dynamometers excel at producing high torque loads at low RPM making this series an excellent choice for testing DC motors and others. The E Series is also capable of testing high RPM motors up to 3600 RPM making this dynamometer a truly universal dynamometer.
ECB Series
ECB Series Electric Motor Dynamometers allow for ease of testing as they offer the advantage of dissipating heat via air-cooled fin technology.
Water Brake Series
The Water Brake (WB) Series Dynamometers are designed with aggressive rotor fin technology that allows for higher torque without the need for multiple rotors. The 0-4000 RPM range and high torque capacity make this dynamometer series an excellent choice for testing a wide range of motors from low RPM DC motors to 2 pole AC motors.
Electric Motor Dynamometer
Dynamometer consists of aggressively designed rotor technology that allows for higher torque without the need for multiple rotors. Thus not only does the WB Series unit offer more pack to the punch, but the inertia of the WB Series unit stays well below the inertia of the engine being load-tested.