PikeTec GmbH
PikeTec assists system software development through consulting and development of specialised tools in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process. This combination of consulting and adaptation of methods and tools allows us to tailor solutions to the specific demands of each project and manage changes during the development process.
- +49-30-39409 683 0
- tpt@piketec.com
- Waldenserstraße 2-4
Berlin, 10551
Testing C/C++ Code With TPT
You can test C/C++ code via the TPT-internal virtual machine or by using the TPT-internal co-simulation platform FUSION.The test environment that is needed to connect the C-code with TPT can be generated automatically by TPT.You can use multidimensional arrays, maps, curves, and structured data types in your test settings. Function calls and function stubs are also supported by TPT.You can even debug your C-code during testing. Tools like GCC, Visual Studio, BCC, or LLVM can be used to compile the executable.
Testing And Verifying ASCET Models With TPT
TPT can control all aspects of the test execution. Thus, TPT starts the appropriate ASCET version and loads the project and experiment necessary for testing. The test run is fully-automatic including the code generation and the compilation either directly as C-code or in an ASCET-specific test environment, that is in an ASCET experiment. Afterwards, the test results are automatically assessed based on the recorded data and presented in a report. Complex tests or test suites can be executed unattended in batch mode.