WiNRADiO Communications
WiNRADiO Communications is a division of Radixon Group, a Robotron company, incorporated in 1991 in order to commercialize the results of many years of research in radio communications.
- 1 855-723-4966
- 1 214 393 9228
- 4144 N. Central Expy
Ste. 600
Dallas, TX 75204-3131
United States
Direction Finding Systems
WiNRADiO Direction Finding systems are being used in some of the most adverse environments. We use proven and reliable DF techniques, all delivered fully integrated in ruggedized packaging, suitable for both mobile and stationary deployment.
The receiver''s superior performance results from its innovative, direct-sampling, digital down-converter architecture along with the use of leading-edge components and design concepts. These all result in a very high IP3, wide dynamic range, excellent sensitivity, selectivity and tuning accuracy. These key features create a receiver in a class of its own, with wide application potential, at a very affordable price.
Receivers - Special Application
Our specialty receivers are a diverse mix, including monitoring receivers for audio engineering applications, marine receivers, sonobuoy telemetry receivers and phase-coherent receivers.
Our receiver software options include various digital signal processing applications, decoders, loggers, client/server applications for remote control, and other receiver-enhancement software.
Test tools
Try our low-cost RF sniffers for fast and easy troubleshooting of unwanted interference caused by electromagnetic radiation sources in your local environment.
As your one-stop shop for communications products, we offer many types of antennas of different frequency ranges and applications, usable with our receivers as well as third-party products.
Receiver Systems for Monitoring, Surveillance and Logging
We produce complete turn-key radio monitoring systems ranging from portable single-channel applications for field tests and drive-by coverage measurements, to large scale computerized multi-channel surveillance systems capable of monitoring thousands of channels simultaneously.
Weather Satellite Receiving Systems
WiNRADiO Weather Satellite Systems are fully integrated, ruggedized, precise and affordable hardware/software solutions for capturing and processing high resolution image data from weather satellites in real time.