Kleinwächter GmbH
Kleinwächter GmbH is a manufacturer of high precise, on the world market leading measuring devices on the sector of ESD measurement. Most of the devices are based on the open fieldmill principle, a further development of the Schwenkhagen principle through Prof. Dr-ing. Hans Kleinwächter, who received the gold medal of the measuring agency of Leipzig for a high scientific technical level in 1974.
- +49 7622 66 76 52 -0
- +49 7622 66 76 52 -9
- Krummattstraße 9
Hausen i.W., D-79688
Charge Plate Monitors
Our charge plate monitors the voltage of the battery and the voltage of the battery.
HGB and shoe test
ESD protection measures must be performed in a work environment with increased sensitivity for electrostatic charging and discharging.In order to ensure effective protection, as required by EN 61340,Our devices offer you an easy way to check and monitor the wrist straps, dissipative shoes or the whole workplace.
TERA Ohmmeter
Due to its compact design and battery operation, our TERA ohmmeters are ideally suited for mobile applications in industrial areas; They can also be in a stationary way through their mains connection. They are operated by only two buttons, are menu-driven and therefore very user-friendly. All settings are in the LCD display.
Electro Field Meter
Electrostatic discharge is now a problem in many workstations, as modern microelectronics (integrated devices) are susceptible to damage caused by electrostatic discharge. However, other industries, such as telecommunications, plastics and explosive industries, are also severely affected.