ASSET InterTech, Inc.
ASSET InterTech is a provider of advanced solutions for the test and measurement industry. Its ScanWorks® platform for embedded instruments is deployed by manufacturers to validate, test and debug their chips, circuit boards and entire systems. The software-based ScanWorks platform is a departure from older hardware-based test systems which are typically much more expensive and limited because their capabilities are hardwired. ScanWorks takes advantage of instruments that are embedded into today’s semiconductors to perform test routines that migrate with a system from early development, through manufacturing and into field support. As a result of this portability, test costs are significantly reduced over a product’s life-cycle while quality and reliability are increased. Improved quality and reliability generate significant value for the manufacturer. Lower support costs, fewer product returns, less re-work and satisfied, loyal customers are some of the many benefits.
- 888-694-6250
- 972-437-2826
- 2201 N. Central Expy., Ste 105
Richardson, TX 75080
United States
debugger for complex multiprocessor
SourcePoint for Intel
Powerful debugger for complex multiprocessor software on the latest Intel processors. By working with Intel Processor Trace and Trace Hub, SourcePoint finds bugs fast, slashing debug time.SourcePoint operates in multiprocessor environments and runs on either MS Windows or Linux hosts. Features are added constantly to keep up with the ever-changing nature of software development challenges.
Processor-Controlled Test (PCT)
ScanWorks® Processor-Controlled Test
Embedded in that CPU on your circuit board are the instruments that are critical for overcoming today's design challenges. Given the complexity of board designs and chips, you need access to this on-chip technology to diagnose, debug and test your designs. One of the tools that makes up the ScanWorks platform for embedded instruments is Processor-Controlled Test (PCT). It takes advantage of the CPU's debug port for access to the circuit board so it can perform board debug, device initialization, at-speed functional test with structural diagnostics and much more.
ScanWorks Boundary-Scan Test
ScanWorks Boundary-Scan Test
The Boundary-Scan Test (BST) Development Software is one of the several configurations of the ScanWorks boundary-scan (JTAG) test and on-board programming environment. Test engineers can quickly develop interconnect tests and device-programming actions for use on first prototype board to accelerate the board bring-up process. Then tests can be exported for use in manufacturing and repair facilities.
ScanWorks IJTAG Test
ScanWorks IJTAG Test
The ScanWorks Internal JTAG (IJTAG) tools allow system-on-a-chip (SoC) designers, DFT engineers and validation engineers a new and simpler way to access, control and run any embedded instrument designed into chips. When the IEEE ratifies the IEEE 1687 IJTAG standard in 2013, it will enable easy access to run any functional type of IJTAG instrument. ASSET is the first tool supplier with development tools available today for the early adopters of this important new technology.
Software Debug and Trace Products
SourcePoint ARM
Today's systems require high octane code to unleash the power of the system. Thus right tools for debug are essential. They must be context aware. Whether working on bare metal systems, as embedded developers often do or working on UEFI base platforms with the complexity of the firmware now rivaling some operating systems. The tools must provide a view into the hardware/software interaction to isolate that illusive bug. SourcePoint hardware assisted debugger has just what is needed for the toolbox of the software developer.
Embed functional-test
ScanWorks Embedded Diagnostics
The ScanWorks platform for embedded instruments is supported by a wide variety of hardware controllers and accessories with which engineers can connect ScanWorks to their unit under test (UUT). Hardware is available for development, production and repair environments. The test platform required for ScanWorks is either a standard PC or a system with a built-in (embedded) JTAG controller.
FCT Development Software
ScanWorks FPGA-Controlled Test Software
The FPGA-Controlled Test Development software is an automated and extremely flexible methodology for embedding a board tester with the functionality you have chosen. You'll simply select and configure the instruments needed and ScanWorks automatically connects them into a cohesive on-chip tester architecture.