MSP Corporation
MSP provides leading edge solutions, enabling rapid innovation in processes and methods in the semiconductor and pharmaceutical industries.
- 800-680-1220
+1 651-490-2860 - 500 Cardigan Road
Shoreview, Minnesota 55126
United States
Indoor Air Quality Meters / Instruments
In both work environments and residential spaces, individuals often spend a significant portion of their time indoors. The quality of indoor air plays a critical role in ensuring long-term health and overall comfort. This is where indoor air quality testing becomes essential. In today's world, businesses are showing a growing interest in air quality monitoring systems, as they understand the direct correlation between air quality and factors like worker productivity and energy efficiency. Addressing this need, TSI offers a comprehensive range of indoor air quality (IAQ) instruments renowned for their user-friendliness, consistency, and unwavering reliability.
Liquid Flow Controller
Built upon field proven technology, the Turbo™ Liquid Flow Controller (LFC) 2950 was engineered to pair with MSP Turbo II™ Vaporizers to provide a reliable, high-performance liquid vapor delivery solution for semiconductor thin film deposition processes (including CVD, PECVD, ALD, and MOCVD). The diagram below shows how the LFC fits into the liquid vaporization system MSP offers.
Particle Deposition Systems
Sets the standards for wafer inspection and metrology equipment. This advanced tool is vital for increasing the yield of future leading-edge devices, while meeting the measurement needs of today.
Laboratory Monitors And Controls
Laboratories and life science facilities require high levels of control for safety, occupant comfort, and experiment integrity.
Inhaler Testing Automation And Lab Organization
In a market and world driven by increasing pressure to improve efficiency and throughput, simple automation in inhaler testing equipment is something that can easily be incorporated into your method.
Particle Counters And Detectors
Our family of particle counters and particle detectors contain instruments optimized for a variety of applications.
In Vitro – In Vivo Correlation IVIVC Equipment
A predictive mathematical model describing the relationship between the in vitro property of a dosage form and relevant in vivo response.
Hospital Room Pressure Monitors And Controls
Quality Room Pressure Measurement Matters in Hospitals.
Aerosol And Dust Monitors
Aerosol monitors, commonly referred to as dust monitors, particulate monitors, light scattering laser photometers, and nephlometers, are used to measure dust, smoke, mist, fume, condensates, and fog. TSI Aerosol Monitors offer real-time, direct-reading results, which is quickly becoming an industry best practice in occupational hygiene, indoor air quality, and outdoor environmental fugitive emissions monitoring.
Abbreviated Impactor Measurement Equipment
The Abbreviated Impactor Measurement (AIM) Method implies using a shorter process to characterize aerodynamic size. It has been promoted as an alternative to the labor-intensive full resolution cascade impactor methodology for APSD (aerodynamic particle size distribution) testing.
Laboratory Room Controls
Laboratory room controls prevent chemicals from escaping to other areas of the building
Particle Size Standards
Whether testing for particle size, count, or composition, it is imperative to use reliable particle suspensions to calibrate your surface scanning equipment or particle counters. A particle standard consists of a specific size range and number concentration of solid particles suspended in ultra-pure water (UPW). This suspension is dispersed into clean air or nitrogen and deposited onto wafers and reticles in specific patterns and sizes.
Vapor Process Gas (VPG) Filters
Filters are an integral piece of your vaporizing system. Conventional high-purity, point-of-use gas filters are used in compressed gas lines for particle removal. MSP’s VPG filters are also uniquely well-suited to be used downstream of a vaporizer under vacuum flow conditions.
Respirator Fit Testers
Respirators and masks play a crucial role in protecting workers from various airborne hazards, including environmental and chemical dangers, as well as airborne biohazards, in the workplace. Ensuring a proper respirator and mask fit test is equally vital for employee safety against respiratory hazards.