Our range of spectrometers, laser-based instrumentation and despoke LIDAR solutions provides our clients with a new generation of highly-sensitive measuring and identification tools.
- 01732 373020
- 220 Vale Road
Tonbridge, Kent TN91SP
United Kingdom
HES Spectrometers
ISI’s standard HES spectrometer offers a 100-fold increase in throughput over conventional systems currently available. This increased throughput can lead to a superior signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) for a given observation over a Czerny Turner instrument. The HES spectrometer contains no moving parts and yet offers the advantages of a Michelson Interferometer with the spectral properties of a traditional diffraction grating-based device, such as a Czerny Turner spectrometer.
Miniature Spectrometer
The MSP1000 miniature spectrometer (MiniSpec) is a compact, fibre-coupled spectrometer suitable for common laboratory tasks. By using the latest manufacturing techniques, we are now able to provide the system for a cost of less than £1000.
Raman Spectroscopy
Raman is a spectroscopic technique that uses laser light to interact with molecular excitations and determine what a substance or element is composed of. It relies upon the inelastic scattering of photons which produces a weak signal, making the collection of information challenging particularly when the substance to be measured is at distance or can only be given short exposure times. Our Raman spectrometers are particularly effective at making Raman measurements due to their configuration which delivers a higher throughput/etendue than standard instruments.
Ultra-High Resolution Spectrometers
Fabry-Pérot interferometers are optical resonators used for high-resolution spectroscopy. They use the phenomenon of multiple-beam interference that results when light shines through a cavity bounded by two reflective parallel surfaces. When the light hits one of the surfaces, some is transmitted out, and the remaining part is reflected back. Fabry-Pérot produces a circular fringe pattern, similar to the Michelson pattern. However, the fringes are thinning, brighter, and more widely spaced. As a result, these instruments are able to detect and resolve the fine features of a transmission spectrum with high precision.
Raman Probes
As with Raman spectrometers, a Raman probe is used to measure the inelastic scattering of light from a sample. Raman scattering is produced when the energy levels of photons are shifted up or down as a result of excitation by a monochromatic source (usually a laser). The change in vibrational frequency is used to determine the composition of a target substance.