Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
We manufacture in addition a number of standard and custom specialized laser modules that incorporate diode drivers, TEC controllers, beam expanders, and boresight control. Our company is also a pioneer in the development of cryogenic solid-state lasers, and holds three world-records for Yb:YAG cryogenic laser performance. Please visit our Technology page for additional information.
- (570)553-1120
- 26741 State Route 267,
Friendsville,, PA 18818
United States
Carbon-Fiber Reinforced-Polymer Optical Breadboards And Benches
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
Carbon fiber optical breadboards provide a similar thermal stability to Super Invar but at a lower cost and are inherently non-magnetic. For ages, steel breadboards have been the only choice; however, structures made from carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) have been used in the aerospace and space industries for many years due to their low weight, high strength, excellent thermal stability and low resonant frequencies. APS now brings this advanced technology to the world of photonics in the United States and Canada with carbon fiber breadboards from CarbonVision. Four grades of carbon fiber breadboard are offered: the economic EC-Series, the advanced AD-Series, the all-carbon AC-Series, and the slim SL-Series.
Diode Lasers
Laser Diode Micro-Modules
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
Advanced Photonic Sciences (APS) has introduced a new product line of Laser Diode Micro-Modules (LDMM’s) that address the need for a simple, robust, reliable, and cost-effective platform on which to mount, provide heatsinking for, collimate, and power semiconductor laser diodes. The use of laser diodes in scores of applications has become ubiquitous, and our new products make mounting, collimating, heatsinking, and providing power leads for such applications easier than ever.
Diode Lasers
6-Watt Blue Spot Creator
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
*Simple Installation On X-Y-Z CNC Machines*Adjustable Focusing Lens to Create 50, 80, and 100 Micron Diameter Spots*Create High Intensities on Target*Self-Contained Fully Integrated Laser Module Including High Power Blue Diode, Active Cooling, Beam-Forming Optics, and Power Supply*Stable Output Power*Precision Engineering*Rapid Engraving, Etching, and Marking*Modulate Up To 250 kHz*Proportional Control in CW Mode Using 5V CW Signal*High Efficiency*Simple to Power Up and Operate
Diode Lasers
6-Watt Blue Engraving Laser
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
Can be used in laser engraving, marking, and cutting applications. Process wood, plastics, metals, anodized aluminum, stone, tile, and other materials. The adjustable spot can be adapted to the needed distance from laser to the material. The spot, with a size of <100 μm, creates very fine engravings and sharp cutting edges. The built-in driver accepts TTL and analog signals for power adjustments. The laser can be controlled between 0% and 100% of output power. It comes preset and needs only a power supply and a signal source.
DPSS Lasers
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
APSci also manufactures a number of standard and custom specialized laser modules that can incorporate power supplies, beam collimators and expanders, and boresight control. Current production modules address the materials handling and medical laser industries. During 2017, we will introduce our new iHXG laser module, an innovative design that fully incorporates any of our XG microlasers directly into a heatsink housing. This new laser module can be easily customized to provide for an integrated power supply, thermoelectric-cooler, and collimating lens. APSci will design, develop, and manufacture modules on a custom basis for other organizations.
Diode Lasers
Spot Creator
Advanced Photonic Sciences LLC
Spot Creator is an innovative accessory developed for enhancing the performance of blue laser diode based engraving and cutting machines. Spot Creator solves a major problem with using asymmetric blue laser diodes: the production of engraving features that are different in the X-Y directions, resulting in unequal or blurred lines. Using Spot Creator, line widths are equal in the X-Y directions, with a minimum spot of 50 μm. The intensity on the engraved part is thus maximized.