Valeport Ltd,
We design and manufacture oceanographic, hydrographic and hydrometric instruments.
- 44 (0) 1803 869292
- St Peter's Quay
Totnes, Devon TQ9 5EW
United Kingdom
Current Meter
Model 106
The Model 106 is the ideal instrument for coastal and estuarine applications and other light-duty survey work.
Directional Wave Recorder
The most cost-effective solution to directional wave monitoring requirements in all shallow water coastal applications, The MIDAS DWR Directional Wave Recorder represents a significant advance in PUV wave recording technology.
Direct Reading CTD
miniCTD DR
The miniCTD – DR is an adaptation of the miniCTD. It has been optimised for ROV operations with a direct reading interface only and no internal battery or logging capability.
Fluorometer Sensor
Hyperion Chlorophyll a
Valeport’s Hyperion Chlorophyll a Fluorometer sensor delivers high-performance measurements of Chlorophyll a, in a compact & robust package ideal as a standalone sensor, for ROV and AUV integration or used as part of a multi-sensor array and data logger.
MiniCTD Profiler
The miniCTD has been developed to provide a cost-effective tool for the collection of CTD Profiles, without compromising the quality of the data.
Multiparameter CTD with a Wide Choice of Standard Sensors.
Featuring Valeport’s latest 400 Series electronics, the CTD+ will sample all fitted sensors at exactly the same instant, at up to 8Hz. Advanced setup software allows a variety of sampling regimes including burst modes, delay starts and conditional sampling. Available with up to 64Mbyte memory and internal battery pack, as well as a selection of real-time output formats, the CTD+ may be used with Valeport’s own water bottle carousel.
Multiparameter Current Meters
The MIDAS ECM is one of only a few multiparameter current meters that allow real-time operations over several thousand metres of cable, as well as autonomous deployment.
Multi-Parameter Profiler
fastCTDplus Chlorophyll a
An evolution of the miniCTD, the fastCTDplus multi-parameter profiler is designed to deliver the highest quality CTD and Chlorophyll a observations at fast drop rates.
Multi-Parameter Profiler
fastCTDplus Rhodamine
An evolution of the miniCTD, the fastCTDplus multi-parameter profiler is designed to deliver the highest quality CTD and Rhodamine observations at fast drop rates.
OEM Sound Velocity Sensor
The next generation of sound velocity sensor, the UltraSV, is ultra-fast, ultra-compact, ultra-dependable.
OEM Sound Velocity Sensors
Valeport’s in-house design and manufacture capability mean we can provide customized OEM versions of our “time of flight” sound velocity technology.
Precision Underwater Pressure Sensor
The miniIPS is a precision underwater pressure sensor; 0.01% accuracy, a titanium housing and a choice of pressure ranges make it a cost-effective solution for offshore engineers, vehicle pilots and other operators who require highly accurate depth information in real-time.
Premier CTD Profiler
The MIDAS CTD is Valeport's premier CTD Profiler. High accuracy sensors (including ±0.01% pressure) and robust titanium design allow reliable operation to 6000m depth, under the harshest conditions.
Rapid Collection of Conductivity, Temperature (Thermistor) and Depth
rapidPro CTD
Optionally, the rapidPro CTD is designed to operate with the Teledyne OceanScience rapidCAST underway profiling winch to deliver the highest quality CTD and optional optical parameter casts on the move. While the vessel is underway profiles of up to 450m at 6 knots are expected.
Rapid Profiling
Suitable for rapid profiling down to 6000m depth, the MIDAS SVP gives the most accurate Sound Velocity Profiles currently possible.