Arbitrary Resources, S.L.
Arbitrary Resources, S.L. is a R&D and consulting services provider for the Test & Measurement Industry. It specializes in extending the measurement capabilities of existing equipment to successfully serve new areas of application, such as wireless and broadcast testing.
- (+34) 93 488 3145
- (+34) 93 488 3145
- Calàbria, 173
Floor 2 - Suite 2
Barcelona, 08015
Modulated Signal Creation Software
The ArbiQ Software package allows wireless design and manufacturing engineers to use the most flexible signal generation tool, the Arbitrary Waveform Generator, to solve almost all their wireless test stimulus needs at baseband or IF/RF levels, no matter if the required signals of analog or digital.
Digital Broadcast Analyzer
The DBA Analysis Tool allows the digital broadcast design engineer and network technician to easily add all the required modulation quality and quaily of sercie capabilities to their Tektronix Real Time and Portable Spectrum Analyzer.