MicroContact AG
We have been manufacturing test systems and fine-pitch adapters for assembled and bare circuit boards. In our own test center, we test several million PCBs per year, of which the largest is in the fine-pitch range.
- +41 62 285 80 10
- +41 62 285 80 23
- office@microcontact.ch
- Güterstrasse 7
Lostorf, CH-4654
Connector Adapter
MCA-ST connector adapter for the connection of micro plugThe connector adapter allows the direct connection of fine-pole connectors on circuit carriers or jumpers. The adapter is guided over the connector housing, which overcomes the tolerances of carrier and mounting.
Ingun Spring Probes
MicroContact AG offers the assortment of test probes and test adapters from Ingun as a Swiss representative.
Laser Trimmer PAL
MicroContact's unique passive matching technology allows fast matching of all resistors in a single trimming pass, making it much more economical and faster than conventional solutions.
Microtester Test Systems
With the micro probes and the fine-pitch adapters used on them, you are able to contact the finest test structures. E-tests, functional tests, IC tests or high-current tests are made to be affordable, efficient and with a short cycle time. With the integration of HF adapters we also enable the double-sided testing of HF substrates up to high frequency ranges.
Manual Test Adapter With Rigid Needles
Frequently, manual test adapters are required for the functional and IC test. In order to contact the test subject, spring contact probes are often installed in the adapter, but the pitch of the spring contact probes is approx. 1.27 mm and thus too great for certain applications.
AOI Handlings System
The AOI handling system is a compact facility with various test units. Via an ionization cleaning station the ceramics are transferred to the contacting station. There, the resistance values of the substrates are tested with a rigid needle adapter. Afterward, the ceramics are further conveyed to the three (optionally four) AOI test stations (for automatic optical inspection) and are tested for cracks, unevenness, faulty imprints, contamination, etc. The poorly evaluated ceramics arrive at a review station where the operator can assess and evaluate the errors on the monitor. If the operator is uncertain about a fault, the ceramic in question can be positioned under the microscope position and inspected by eye. Poorly defined ceramics are marked accordingly with an ink pen.
The parallel tester Fineliner enables two-sided contact with fne structures. Withvisual detection of both substrate sides and corresponding adapter position correction≥ 300μm test points can be contacted. The rigid needle adapter with a pitch of ≥ 400μmalso allows a high contact density. This results in a large test depth on the substrate.The integrated DMC reader ensures a correct test result assignment. Multiple PCB canbe tested step by step through in the X-direction of the Fineliner, further eliminatingsubstrate tolerances in the X-direction, and enabling more cost-effective adapters andmeasurement techniques. A quick-release system with identifable replacement kitsensures safe and quick retooling.The measuring technology can be defned customer-specifcally. There are 2040 pyloninterface points per side.