Mustang Dynamometer
As a global leader in the design, manufacturing, and integration of dynamometer products.
- (888)468-7826
(330)963-5400 -
- 2300 Pinnacle Parkway
Twinsburg, OH 44087
United States
Emissions Dynamometers
Las altas demandas de producción requeridas para los programas de inspección de emisiones vehiculares requieren del uso de equipo robusto, confi able y duradero para este propósito. Diseñado desde un principio para soportar altos niveles de uso y el abuso, Mustang Dynamometer ha establecido los estándares de desempeño para equipos fabricados y usados a nivel mundial en los programas de inspección de emisiones. Al ser pioneros, nuestra experiencia nos ha llevado a ser el líder mundial en el diseño y fabricación de equipo robusto y programas informáticos para la industria de Inspección y Mantenimiento (I/M). Contamos con líneas de prueba instaladas alrededor del mundo en climas que varían de frío a cálido y de húmedo a seco, incluyendo condiciones extremas. Para fi nales del año 2020 estimamos que nuestros equipos instalados habrán realizado pruebas en cerca de 1 billones de vehículos. Mejoras continuas en todos los aspectos tecnológicos nos han llevado a desarrollar soluciones innovadoras basadas en nuestro amplio conocimiento del diseño, servicio, mantenimiento, ergonomía y capacidad funcional. Los equipos Mustang para Inspección y Mantenimiento (I/M) están diseñados para cumplir con las necesidades específi cas de nuestros clientes. Cumpliendo con las siguientes especifi caciones: EPA, BAR y CDMX ASM.
Mechanically-linked AWD dyno
MD-AWD-800 Series
Like all Mustang dynos, the MD-AWD-800 includes all of the advanced tuning capabilities that are included with the standard PowerDyne Software application such as constant speed, constant torque, step tests, and elapse time tests like 1/4 sprint all performed using Mustang''s patented Vehicle Simulation technology where the dyno automatically controls the loading to simulate actual "on-road" conditions.
Motorcycle/ATV Performance Dyno
Factory Pro and Mustang''s MC/QUAD Dyno is a specially designed, high-speed, low-inertia motorcycle/QUAD/Kart combination dyno. The low inertia design and eddy current loading features are perfect for precision tuning and diagnostic applications.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-1100 Series
The MD-1100 Series took the market by storm in 2003 when it was first introduced and has been a mainstay in the performance industry ever since. The design focus for the MD-1100 is, in a word, versatility. The MD-1100 offers a tremendous amount of power measurement capabilities, loading capabilities and mechanical versatility found nowhere else in the business. Regardless of your needs, the MD-1100 series is a perfect fit.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-800 Series
For instances where a performance shop is interested in performing basic dynamometer runs for peak power measurement and overlapping multiple runs to quantify performance gains or losses resulting from changes to the vehicle, the MD-800 offers the perfect combination of competitive pricing and performance capabilities as an inertia-only dyno, while allowing an easy upgrade path to add power absorption when you are ready to offer professional steady-state tuning services. Once added, the eddy current upgrade allows for steady state tuning of high performance EFI vehicles via a 900-hp power absorber module.
AWD Dynamometer
MD-AWD-150 Series
Full time AWD vehicles are designed to provide maximum performance regardless of road conditions. In cases where traction is less than ideal, a vehicle may be designed to improve stability and traction at the expense of power. This means adding torque to a spinning wheel or retarding of timing. In order to properly test an AWD vehicle for peak performance, an AWD chassis dynamometer must be able to simulate ideal road-load conditions to the vehicle.
AWD Dynamometers
The AWD-1750 is the newest AWD dynamometer built by Mustang. It has a set of 50" rollers that are mechanically linked to another 3 or 4 sets of 12.625" rollers. An air clutch allows you to switch between 2WD and AWD modes by clicking a button. No moving parts to handle different wheelbases.
AWD Dynamometers
Full time AWD vehicles are designed to provide maximum performance regardless of road conditions. In cases where traction is less than ideal, a vehicle may be designed to improve stability and traction at the expense of power. This means adding torque to a spinning wheel or retarding of timing. In order to properly test an AWD vehicle for peak performance, an AWD chassis dynamometer must be able to simulate ideal road-load conditions to the vehicle. This approach allows the vehicle to be evaluated under "optimum" operational conditions; whereby torque is distributed to the vehicle's tires in the same manner that would normally occur when a vehicle has equal traction at all four drive wheels, and is therefore operating at peak efficiency.
AWD Dynamometers
The AWD-1100 is the first of its kind – offering all of the large benefits of an AWD eddy current dynamometer in a large roll configuration. With a wheelbase maximum of 134”, you can test nearly any AWD vehicle on the road today.
2WD Dynamometers
Our pioneering experience has led us to be the world leader in the design and manufacturing of durable dynamometer equipment that stands the test of time and the 100 model has been one of our most durable models. Mustang has supplied over 50,000 variants based on the 100 chassis over the last 25-years and we estimate that about 1.5 billion tests have been performed on the 100 model during this time. The 100 series offers the small shop owner the right equipment for road testing and power checking of today’s modern automobiles and pick up trucks. The 100 is offered at an attractive price and with features that meet the needs of repair professionals more concerned with repairs than performance tuning. The 100 is also an excellent choice for high schools and colleges as it can be used for educational purposes. Optional emissions testers can be added to teach students how to use the dynamometer for reducing emissions. The 100 can be installed in a pit or paired with Mustang’s lightweight composite ramps for installation above-ground.
2WD Dynamometers
MD-600 Series
The MD-600 is capable of measuring 2,000 horsepower and a top speed of 200-mph. A single eddy current PAU gives this dyne 900-hp of braking, while adding another PAU doubles this to 1,800-hp of loading capacity for steady state tuning and loaded mode testing.
AWD Dynamometers
Mustang designed the MD-AWD-800-DE-24×2 Series to be a dyno that could be easily adapted to fit virtually any testing scenario without ever having to compromise. In AWD mode, the 800 Series XL can test AWD vehicles with wheelbases up to 134” long, enough to handle Hummer H1s. In 2WD mode, the 800 Series uses a single 24” diameter roller with a low base mechanical inertia to allow you to test the lightest vehicles out there.
AWD Dynamometers
The key to designing an AWD dynamometer properly is to understand the methods currently being used by manufacturers in the field of AWD drivetrain technology. A dynamometer that can accommodate various types of AWD vehicle transmissions and wheelbases without excessive complication and, more importantly, without risking damage to a client’s AWD system is paramount. Full time AWD vehicles are designed to provide maximum performance regardless of road conditions. In cases where traction is less than ideal, a vehicle may be designed to improve stability and traction at the expense of power. This means adding torque to a spinning wheel or retarding of timing. In order to properly test an AWD vehicle for peak performance, an AWD chassis dynamometer must be able to simulate ideal road-load conditions to the vehicle. This approach allows the vehicle to be evaluated under “optimum” operational conditions; whereby torque is distributed to the vehicle’s tires in the same manner that would normally occur when a vehicle has equal traction at all four drive wheels, and is therefore operating at peak efficiency. To achieve this, Mustang’s AWD-500 Series incorporates an internal drive system that synchronizes the front and back rollers to simulate a flat, dry road condition. Synchronization, or linkage, insures that the front and rear rollers are always spinning at precisely the same road speed. This process eliminates the possibility of activating a vehicle’s traction control system and also insures that a vehicle’s torque management system is operating under the assumption that the vehicle is not skidding, turning or slipping. Mustang’s AWD-500 can be operated in AWD Mode while testing two-wheel drive vehicles. This process allows the non-driven axle to be spun by the dynamometer rollers at the same speed as the driven axle, eliminating the speed differential that occurs on two-wheel drive dynamometers – problem solved.