Van Leeuwen Test Systems BV
VL Test Solutions is a specialist in PTI equipment for cars, vans, trucks, lorries, trailers, caravans and motorcycles. The equipment ranges from stand-alone machine to fully automated integrated test lanes.
- +31 (0)76 - 20 71 400
- Nieuwe Donk 18
Etten-Leur, 4879
Vehicle Testing
short testing times, thereby enabling a large throughput of vehicles;objective, operator independent test results on most test items;accurate measurements;a large set of clear user instructions is displayed, which allows the owner/ driver to stay in the vehicle during the test, thus saving manpower;a wide selection of different test equipment for integration is available;a large number of settings, threshold values and standards can be accessed directly and edited by the user;the modular setup allows a complete variety of Test Lane configurations;easily upgradable by adding more test equipment items per lane;easily expandable by adding more Test Lanes;integration of Test Lanes on remote sites is possible;link up to Government database and remote access possibilities where applicable.
Automated Headlight Tester
VLT 0936/MK2
Fully computerized controlled CCD Head-light Beam Tester, with fully automated vertical and horizontal movements, with automated searching of the hot spot of the beam. This robot type Headlight Beam Tester is connected to the Vehicle Test Lane Computer system and displays instructions and results to one of the large overhead SVGA monitors of the Test Lane.
VLT Chassis Dynamometers for Diesel Smoke Testing under Road Conditions (CDST)
Diesel Smoke Testing by Free Acceleration Test is one! But how accurate is this Test? We all know that it is a not valuable test, but still better as none testing of Vehicle Diesel Engines. The results are not realistic in many cases. And not as good for the Engine we know.
Wheel Play Detectors
A play detector consists of two plate units on which the wheels of an axle are placed. The plates are moved horizontally in an oscillating fashion by hydraulic cylinders. This movement can be done in different directions. In this way an inspector in the inspection pit can easily check for play on the different components underneath the vehicle. To make it even easier, the remote control unit to start and stop the plate movement has a built-in lamp.
Air Pressure Transducers
Air pressure transducers can measure the cylinder and system pressures of pnuematic braking systems. With these pressures extrapolation calculations can be performed in order to determin the efficiency of laden vehicles when measured empty or partially laden.VLT offers wired and wireless models.
Tyre Inspection Systems
The VLT tyre inspection system can check several tyre and wheel related items, such as tread depth and sideslip. All measurements are done very fast when the vehicle is on the roller brake tester.
Axle Load Simulators
In case vehicles need to perform a brake test in laden condition, one could consider to use a load simulator. In that case the vehicles can come to the brake test unladen; the load simulator will add the required load to the axles.
Particle Counter
Modern diesel engines are quite clean, provided the soot filter is present and working properly. A soot filter can get clogged, or even malfunction. In that case the filter has to be cleaned or replaced. Unfortunately, sometimes the vehicle owner has the filter removed altogether. When the filter has been physically removed, it is ‘programmed out’ of the vehicle software, so that the removal of the filter remains undetected during an (E)OBD check. This is why in ever more countries a particle count is mandatory during a periodic inspection of e diesel vehicle.
Chassis Dynamometer Smoke Testers
A chassis dynamometer smoke tester (CDST) is used to test diesel emissions when the engine is under load. This is of course a much more realistic test than the commonly used free acceleration test. It is also better for the diesel engine.During a CDST test an automatic test cycle is performed, whereby the emission is measured at different engine loads. The monitor shows checks and actions to perform before the test, shows real-time measuring data and instructions for the driver during the test, and the end results after the test.
Emission Analyzers
The VLT-E8104 emission analyser measures the opacity of the exhaust gases of vehicles with petrol/LPG/CNG engines. The accuracy complies with OIML class 0. An oil temperature sensor and an rpm counter can be connected.If you connect diesel smoke cell VLT-E9210, this analyser is a fully functionsl diesel smoke analyser as well.
Diesel Smoke Analyser
The VLT-E9200 diesel smoke analyser measures the opacity of the exhaust gases of vehicles with diesel engines. It can measure if an engine comkplies with the EURO 6 standards. An oil temperature sensor and an rpm counter can be connected.
Zero Emission Cabinets
A zero emission cabinet is connected to the exhaust extration system of the building and prevents exhaust gases from escaping into the building.VLT offers several different zero-emission cabinets for use with emission and diesel smoke analysers. They can be connected to your exhaust extraction system. Mandatory in some countries.
VLT Integrated Testlane Concept
VLT's intelligent test lane concept was introduced in 1994 and has since then been updated regularly. Intelligent test lanes are mainly used in PTI (Periodic Technical Inpsection) stations. These inspection stations deal with large numbers of vehicles every day and have to keep downtime of the equipment to an absolute minimum.
Speedometer/Taximeter Testers
Machines for checking the accuracy of speedometers, taximeters, speed limiters, speed warning devices. As with most VLT equipment, these machines can be used stand-alone, or in an integrated test lane.
Manual Model for Integrated use in VLT Test Lanes
VLT 0939TL01
Manual Headlight Beam Tester with Same measuring Techniques as our Fully Automated models. This Manual operated model for use in VLT Test Lanes, with cable boom connection to the Test lane Computer. Including rechargeable battery pack and charge.