Ducommun Inc
Aviation and Aerospace Component Manufacturing
- (657) 335-3665
- 200 Sandpointe Avenue
Suite 700
Santa Ana, CA 92707-5759
United States
Millimeter Wave Control Devices
Ducommun millimeter wave products include various control devices for system integration. The CAE, CPS, CPD and CPM series control devices are discrete or MMIC based PIN diode attenuators and switches. The CAF, CAL, CAR and CPL series control devices are waveguide based mechanical tunable attenuators and phase shifters. These devices are offered to cover the frequency range from 18 GHz to 110 GHz.
Ducommun’s oscillator family includes FET based dielectric resonator oscillators (OFD), phase locked oscillators (OPL), Gunn diode based low cost Gunn oscillators (OGL), bias tuned Gunn oscillators (OGB), mechanically tuned oscillators (OGM), varactor tuned Gunn oscillators (OGV), injection locked Gunn oscillators (OGI) and Gunn oscillator bias regulators and modulators (OGR and OMR). In the mechanically tuned Gunn oscillator family, the ultra broadband series (OGF) delivers up to full waveguide tuning bandwidth.
Microwave Products
Ducommun delivers a broad range of microwave products suitable for use in both military and commercial applications. Many of these products are available in stock. We also manufacture custom-designed products for your unique needs.
Millimeter Wave Amplifiers
Ducommun offers Low Noise (ALN), High Power (AHP), Full Waveguide Band (AFB) and General Purpose (AGP) amplifiers to cover the frequency range from 18 to 96 GHz. These amplifiers utilize thin-film and microelectronics manufacturing techniques and are discrete and/or MMIC PHEMT devices based. These amplifiers feature low noise, high output power, single DC power supply and wide operation temperature range. The amplifiers are offered in two categories, standard and custom-built. Both standard and custom-built amplifiers are equipped with various RF interface, including standard waveguide or coaxial connector for convenient system integration. The optional input and output integrated isolators are available as an option to further improve the port return loss.
Ferrite Devices
Ducommun's products include very broad ferrite device selections to cover 100 MHz to 110 GHz operation frequency range. These devices include narrow band drop-in (FID and FCD), connectorized (FIC and FCC), junction (FIW and FCW) isolators and circulators and iso-adapters (FII and FCI). The broad bandwidth versions are offered as full band junction isolators and circulators (FIF and FCF) and Faraday isolators (FFF). These devices feature low insertion loss, high isolation and wide operating temperature range. Low cost and volume production versions of these ferrite devices are available per customers’ request.
Millimeter Wave Antennas
Ducommun millimeter wave products include ACH, ARH and ALC series circular, rectangular gain horn antennas and lens corrected horn antennas for system applications. Low side lobes, ridged configuration and low cost are the main features of these antennas. The standard gain value and half power beamwidth at mid-frequency point of each waveguide band are 23 dBi and 9 degrees, respectively. Other gain values are available as customer order. These antennas cover the frequency range of 18 to 110 GHz.
Passive Components
Ducommun millimeter wave products include various passive components including multi-hole directional couplers (PCM), crossguide couplers (PCC), magic tees (PCT), coax power dividers (PPD), bandpass, low pass and high pass filters (PFB, PFL and PFH), waveguide diplexers (PDC), waveguide transitions (PRC and PTW), waveguide to coax adapters (PTC) and waveguide components (PWS, PWE, PWH, PWM and PWT). These passive components cover frequency range from 8.2 to 110 GHz and feature high performance and low cost.
Our self-contained, in-house components design and fabrication capacities ensure the breadth of sub-assemblies offered from rapid prototyping and proof of concept to full production. Ducommun has produced many high performance millimeterwave band sub-assemblies for commercial and military system applications. Among them, the K and Ka band directional Doppler Radar front ends are in production. Several hundreds of sets have been delivered. In addition, Ducommun has delivered Ka through W band engineering prototypes for plasma detection system, automotive Radar, speed Radar, automatic test set, radio telescope, missile terminal guidance, telecommunication system etc. applications.
Frequency Converters
Ducommun's frequency converter families include waveguide detectors (FAS), passive and active multipliers (FMP and FMA), up and down converters (FUB and FDB), harmonic mixers (FDH), subharmonically pumped up and down converters (FUS and FDS) and phase detectors and single sideband modulators (FPB and FSS). These devices are offered in 7 waveguide bands to cover entire 18 to 110 GHz frequency spectrum. These converters employ high performance GaAs Schottky beamlead diodes and DLT's proprietary circuit configuration to produce superior performance, such as low conversion loss and up to full waveguide instantaneous operation bandwidth.
Human Machine Interface
Ducommun has designed and manufactured Human Machine Interface (HMI) illuminated switches, keyboards, and lighted panels for a diverse array of military and commercial applications. Platforms include the most modern military fighter and transport aircraft, commercial airplanes, helicopters, military ground vehicles, control systems, shipboard, and space applications. Ducommun is a trusted name in the industry for best-in-class product reliability with a deep heritage of success on demanding programs.
RF Products
Ducommun is a leading global supplier of RF Products for Commercial Aerospace, Military & Space markets. We partner with top-tier OEMs and primes because of our unique, comprehensive understanding of electro-mechanical and RF principles. Whether you need a standard, off-the-shelf or in-stock coaxial switch, or a highly customized millimeter wave product, Ducommun offers a range of products and solutions to meet your program and design requirements.
Motors and Resolvers
We design, manufacture and test highly reliable motion control devices for extreme environments that range from vacuum and the extreme cold of outer space to high pressure and temperature applications many miles under the earth's surface.