Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc.
EMA is a world leader in the analysis of electromagnetic effects. Our expert staff and state-of-the-art software suite have helped countless businesses and government entities solve their electromagnetic design and certification challenges.
- 1-303-980-0070
- info@ema3d.com
- 7655 W. Mississippi Ave.
Ste. 300
Lakewood, CO 80226
United States
Cable Harness EM Solver
Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc.
MHARNESS to Complete the Last Mile of EM Coupling Simulation Traditionally, electromagnetic effects simulation has focused on the transients induced on the overall cable bundle of complex systems. MHARNESS is a transmission line solver that reveals the EM transients on the most critical element of systems: the pin interface to electronics systems. Now, EMA3D and MHARNESS can co-simulate in one self-consistent simulation.
EM Solver System Level Solver
Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc.
MA3D is a powerful 3D numerical solution of Maxwell’s curl equations based on the time-domain finite-difference method in rectangular coordinates. The code has application to nearly any EM coupling, radiating, or interaction problem. EMA3D’s FDTD approach is the only EM tool capable of capturing the detail of entire aerospace or ground systems down to individual electronics interfaces in a computationally accessible manner. Computational advances and parallelization allow for fidelity once only dreamed possible.