Seica S.p.A. is a global supplier of automatic test equipment with an installed base of more than 700 systems on four different continents. Seica offers a complete line of test solutions, including bed of nails and flying probe testers, able to perform MDA, in-circuit, functional and optical tests of loaded boards, second and third level electronic modules and printed circuit boards.
- 39 0125 6368 11
- 39) 0125 6368 99
- via Kennedy 24
Strambino, 10019
Mini ATE
MINI 80 represents the maximum miniaturization available to date with an ATE tester.All potentials of an automatic test equipment is available within 19″/2U rack as a support for those seeking parametric tests with few test points, or for those requiring a standard test-bench platform.
Bare Board Tester
Rapid 270
The Rapid 270 (automatic Bare Bord Tester) combines the versatility and reduced footprint of a vertical system with the automation featuring the testers with horizontal architecture.
In-circuit and functional Tester
Compact TK
This is the smallest configuration , and is generally recommended for ICT and on-board programming applications. It is characterized by a high level of ergonomy, small footprint, easy maintenance , low power consumption and enhanced operator safety.
Power Functional Test with Energy Saving Solutions
Power System
The Power System is a test platform conceived to verify and certify the operation of power modules.The complete structure, combining two Multi standard cabinets, is sized to contain all of the resources required for testing: drive/sense modules, power modules and load simulators.In this tester, in addition to strictly perform the requested measurement as per technical specifications, the issues of consumptions and dissipations were taken into account, integrating an Energy Recovery circuit which enables reuse of output energy to supply the system.
Flying Probe Tester
Pilot 4D M4
The Pilot 4D M4 is a full-performance, double-sided, flying probe test system with an extremely high level of flexibility, making it the ideal solution for those with a wide variety of testing needs, from prototypes to small/medium production volume, through the repair of field returns and reverse engineering. The vertical, compact architecture and the excellent board clamping system ensure that there is no oscillation of the board under test, which in turn greatly facilitates the precise positioning of the probes on the test points.
Functional Tester
Compact MULTI
This configuration is recommended for pre-functional, functional and combinational testing. The versatility and scalability of the Compact MULTI test system is perfectly suited for the integration of external instrumentation, capabilities and techniques in a single test program.
Bare Bord Tester
Rapid 220-260
he Rapid 260 is Bare Bord Tester particularly suitable where a short test set up time is needed to achieve the quickest time to market of the customer’s products. In addition, the system can address the most sophisticated prototypes, small and medium volumes (up to a single unit).Compactness and rationality, combined with the simplicity of the management software, are the results of Seica research to develop a system for immediate operation.
Functional Systems
The PTE-100 gives test personnel access to electrical signals for probing, voltage injection, isolation checks, voltage/current and time/frequency measurements, and it offers the ability to analyze hot and loaded circuits, verifying missing, corrupted or present valid signals. Furthermore, the PTE-100 offers the ability to make electrical verification activities more efficient, repeatable and safe, by introducing software controlled test sequences to reduce human errors and guide diagnostic resolution. Break Out Boxes are commonly made in-house and are often specific to a particular project. They are simply designed to multiplex connections between two units and use external instrumentation for signal injection or measurement. The end result is a multitude of tools, difficult to maintain, with limited transportability, providing costly and inefficient operations at the factory or in the field.
Flying Probe Tester
Pilot 4D L4
The Pilot 4D L4 represents the best solution for those wishing to fully automate the flying probe test process, eliminating the need for continuous operator presence in order to manage the test system. Thanks to its integrated SMEMA conveyor, the Pilot 4D L4 can be combined with automatic load/unload magazines or lines, executing in-circuit, functional and visual tests of electronic boards in a completely automated mode. This is the ideal solution for medium and even high volume production test needs. The large test area can accommodate 21” x 24” boards (540 x 610 mm) board with split test. The ATE rack can be expanded with up to 1032 analog channels, connectable to an optional external bed of nails test fixture (TPM).
In-circuit and Functional Tester
Compact SL
This configuration offers a completely automated solution via an integrated, SMEMA-compatible conveyor system, allowing completely automatic board handling and easy integration into high volume production lines. Configurable as ICT, pre-functional, functional and combinational. The compact footprint and the compliance with WCM criteria, enable easy and successful integration both in-line and/or within an automated test island. Cost reduction and high throughput guaranteed.
Functional Systems
Designed for electronics needs, keeping into account also the future implementations, the ValidATE system features complete test solutions for Legacy Replacement of systems like GR179X, GR275X, L200, L300, Schlumberger S7XX and other. The open and modular architecture of its hardware and software components makes the Valid technology available also in the solutions Valid MT, to meet the needs of STE system integrators, or to bring new electronics over old testers to replace the outdated.
Flying Probe Tester
Pilot 4D V8
The Pilot 4D V8 represents the latest frontier in flying probe test technology; it is the complete solution for those who want maximum performance: the highest test speed, low to medium volume, test coverage and flexibility, for prototyping, manufacturing, or repairing any type of board. Its vertical architecture is the optimum solution for probing both sides of the UUT simultaneously.