Engineering Design
Engineering Design has been the developer of the SIGNAL family of sound analysis software. Applications include sound and vibration measurement, sound modeling and synthesis, animal behavior, perceptual cognition, human auditory testing, and neurophysiological experimentation.
- 262 Grizzly Peak Blvd
Berkeley, CA 94708
United States
provides a graphical environment for viewing, measuring, and manipulating signals combined with an extensive mathematical toolbox and advanced programming capabilities.
Experiment Maker
Experiment Maker turns SIGNAL into a programmable, automated, real-time experiment control system by adding capabilities for simultaneous acquisition and playback, microsecond timing and triggering, digital I/O and keyboard control. With SIGNAL and Experiment Maker, the researcher can construct presentation, measurement and control systems that would otherwise require months of programming.
Bioacoustic Analysis and Experimentation
Is the recognized standard in bioacoustic analysis for accuracy, flexibility, mathematical power and automation.
Event Analyzer
The SIGNAL Event Analyzer represents a breakthrough in the analysis of repetitive acoustic events as diverse as field recordings of birdsong, laboratory ultrasonic rodent vocalizations, and industrial monitoring of rotating machinery. It can go automatically from raw acoustic data to summary behavioral acoustic measurements and statistics, such as call rate, call duration, intercall interval, peak frequency, frequency range, etc. Compared to manual event editing and measurement, the Event Analyzer allows the researcher to investigate many more acoustic parameters for significant effects, with a much larger data sample, and, if desired, over a much longer time period.
Event Detector
The Event Detector automatically extracts sound events from an entire sound file according to the user's event specifications. The user digitizes sound data into a continuous sound file, then configures the Event Detector for the events of interest. Detection is based on spectral, temporal, and amplitude criteria. The detector scans the entire file, identifying the desired events and extracting them to individual sound files or measuring their parameters. Detected events can be immediately analyzed in SIGNAL to measure, count, compare, classify, time-stamp, and store sound events and sound parameters. The Event Detector is a module inside SIGNAL and requires SIGNAL to operate.
Real-Time Spectrogram
Displays the time-aligned spectrogram and waveform of a continuous sound file. The RTS can efficiently review large amounts of acoustic data, while measuring, extracting, and storing sound parameters and sound segments directly from the screen.