Datexel manufactures a wide range of Transmitters, analog and digital Temperature and Signal Converters, Galvanic Isolators, Signal Splitters, distributed I/O modules, A/D interfaces for PLC, Trip Amplifiers, Power Suppliers, Current loop Isolators and Digital Indicators.
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Din Rail Temperature Transmitters
Datexel manufacture a large range of Din Rail Temperature transmitters. From fully isolated, PC programmable temperature transmitters, Dip Switch Programmable are just some of the features available on the Datexel range of Temperature Transmitters. Some units are dual channel to help save space in a panel.
Frequency to Current Converter
The Frequency to Current converter DAT4540R is a signal conditioning din rail mount converter which converts a pulse input to an analog output equal to the set range which is selectable from 0.1 Hz up to 20 KHz. The DAT4540R also provides 2 relay outputs and a transistor output. The input can be from a Tacho, TTL, PNP transistor or from any Namur standard. The DAT4540R provides a Voltage or Current output that is isolated from the power supply and input.
Head Mounted Temperature Transmitters
Datexel manufactures a large range of head mounted temperature transmitters. Field proven and high accuracy are the ingredients in the Datexel range of head mount temperature transmitters. Low cost, fully isolated, PC programmable, direct or inverse output, up scale or down scale burn out are just some of the features available on the Datexel range of head mounted temperature transmitters.
Modbus Analog Output Modules
DAT3020 Series
The DAT3020 series from Datexel is a range of Modbus analog output cards. These cards or modules have both voltage and current outputs either 0-10V or 4-20mA and are isolated from the input, output and power supply. They are available with either 2, 4 or 8 channels. The DAT3011 is a Modbus slave with 2 analog inputs (Thermocouple, RTD's mA, Resistance, Potentiometers, mV and voltage) and 2 analog outputs(4-20mA). It also has 3 digital inputs and outputs. Combining these analog output cards with the analog input cards, and the digital IO cards with the DAT9000 controllers make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is needed.
Modbus Controllers
Datexel has a range of Modbus RTU Masters, Slaves, Controllers, Data Loggers and Modbus remote displays. The DAT9000 is a Modbus RTU Master with RS485, RS232 and Ethernet Interfaces. The DAT9000IO is similar to the DAT9000 but it has digital input and outputs. The DAT9000DL has an additional Data Logging facility and the DAT9000DLIO has both Data Logging and digital IO. The DAT9011 is a Modbus Master with 2 analog inputs which can chose from Thermocouple's, RTD's, Potentiometers, mA and mV's. It also has 2 outputs which can be mA or voltage. The DAT9011 can also accept digital inputs and provide 2 SPDT relay outputs. The DAT9011DL also has a Data Logging facility which can store up to 8gb of readings on a thumb drive.
Modbus Data Acquisition
The Datexel range of Data Acquisition equipment includes Modbus RTU Masters and Slaves, Modbus Input, Modbus Output Modules, Modbus Isolation Modules and Modbus Repeaters. The range also includes converters (RS485, USB, RS232, RS422, TCP-IP). By combining these units with the DAT3000 and DAT10000 series a complete solution for your Data Acquisition can be found from Datexel. The DAT9550 is a remote Modbus display unit that can be programmed to accept data from Modbus slaves or masters such as a PLC or the DAT9000 range of Modbus controllers.
Modbus Digital Input Output Modules
DAT3100 Series
The Datexel DAT3100 series is a range of Modbus digital input output modules. These cards or modules have the ability to accept digital voltage inputs and provide an output by the way of relays, NPN or PNP transistors. The DAT3100 devices can communicate with RS485 or RS232 on a Modbus or ASCII protocol making the DAT3100 series a very economical solution to large and small scale Data Acquisition. Combining these digital input output devices with the DAT9000 controllers and the DAT3000 analog input output modules make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is needed.
Modbus RTU Analog Input Modules
The Datexel range of Modbus RTU analog input cards for both RS485 and RS232 with Modbus or ASCII protocol can be combined with the DAT9000 series of Modbus Masters. A choice of input cards or modules are available and have various optional inputs such as Voltage, Current, Thermocouples, RTD, and Resistance. Also a choice of 2, 4, 8 channel options are available. The DAT3011 is a Modbus RTU Slave with 1 selectable universal input (Thermocouples, RTD, mV, RTD's or Resistance), 2 x 4-20mA or 0-10V input and 2 x4-20mA outputs. The DAT3011 also has 3 digital inputs and 3 relay outputs. Each module is isolated from each other and is set up using the DAT3000 software Development package which is free of charge from the Datexel download web page. Datexel also has universal input modules. An 8 channel analog input card is available making the DAT3000 series a very economical solution to large and small scale Data Acquisition. Combining these analog input cards with the analog output cards, the digital input/output cards and the communication devices make Datexel the smart choice where Data Acquisition is required.
PLC Input Modules
The DATEXEL DAT6000 series is a unique device designed to add analog inputs to a digital PLC with a few simple instructions. Downloaded into a standard PLC it is possible to acquire analog signals. The PLC will be able to read a 16 Bit digital input equal to the analog signal. The input, output and power supply are isolated from each other. The DAT6000 can linearize , filter and convert the input signal.The DATEXEL DAT6011 converts two voltages -50 mV to 50 mV, -100 mV to 100 mV, -500 mV to 500 mV or -1000mV to 1000mV or thermocouples K Type, J Type, S type, B type, R type, E type, T type and N type to a digital PLC.
The EPL101 PLC is a circuit board OEM PLC. The EPL101 has 4 analog inputs, 7 digital inputs and 2 inputs for Encoders. It has 6 relay outputs, 5 that are rated for 5 Amps and 1 relay rated for 16 Amps. It also has an analog output 0-5 Volts. The outputs can be simple on off or P, PI,PID or PD control. The EPL101 accepts inputs from K, S, T, R, J or E type thermocouples, Pt100, Ni100 RTD'S. NTC10K thermistor inputs. The EPL101 also accepts inputs from sensors with 4-20mA, 0-20mA, 0-20mV or 0-1V signal. It also has 6 digital PNP inputs up to 1 Hz and 2 NPN inputs up to 2 K Hz.
Process Counters
The Process Counter TCT201-2ABC is a 1/16 Din 48 x 48 mm panel mount programmerable digital Counter with two 8 Amp relay outputs and up to 3 inputs. The TCT201-2ABC also has a potentiometer input that can accept either 5K or 10K Potentiometers. Other inputs can be PNP or NPN switches, 2 or 3 wire Proximity switches.
Process Tachometer
The Process Tachometer TCT101-3ABC is a panel mount Process Tachometer which can measure frequency up to 100Khz with Encoders and 2 or 3 wire proximity switches. There is also a function to store the maximum frequency and the lowest frequency.
Signal Isolators
Signal IsolatorsDatexel manufacture a large range of Signal Isolators. The DAT511 is a loop powered isolator with 3000 V galvanic isolation between the input and output. It is a 2 wire device so there is no external wiring. The DAT511H is similar but is Hart compatible. The DAT4035 is a universal input signal (Thermocouples, RTD's, mV, Volts, mA, resistance and potentiometers) conditioner with 2000 V isolation between the input and output and it is PC programmable. It is a 2 wire loop powered device. The DAT4135 is similar but it is a 4 wire device so it has the ability to boost the output or provide a voltage output.
Signal Splitters
The DAT4530 can convert any process signal (Thermocouples, RTD, mV, Voltage, mA Resistance and Potentiometer) to a voltage or current output (4-20mA, 0-20mA or 0-10V). Each output can be different and it also has a built in limit alarm which is an SPST relay. The DAT4530 is PC programmable with the aid of the Prodat programmer and the Datasoft software which is available from the Datexel down load page. The DAT4530 is also programmable with the aid of 3 DIP switches which can be found on the side of the DAT4530. There is full isolation between the input, power supply, limit alarm output and two outputs.
Temperature Transmitters
Temperature Transmitters for every application. Datexel manufactures both Head Mount Temperature Transmitters (Hockey Puck Temperature Transmitters) and Din Rail Mount Temperature Transmitters. PC Programmable, IS Temperature Transmitters, Isolated Temperature Transmitters.