Dynamic Systems Inc.
Dynamic Systems Inc. (DSI) designs and manufactures equipment for dynamic thermal-mechanical testing of materials and physical simulation of processes.
- +1 (518) 283-5350
- +1 (518) 283-3160
- info@Gleeble.com
- 323 NY 355
Poestenkill, NY 12140
United States
Hot Torsion Mobile Conversion Unit
Capable of applying torque up to 100 Nm (50 Nm standard configuration), Hot Torsion Systems from Dynamic Systems are the first commercially available torsion systems to incorporate direct resistance heating.
Through its patented technology, the Hydrawedge delivers test results without strain overshoot or strain rate deceleration, either one of which can reduce the validity of the simulation.
Large Sample Strip Annealing Mobile Conversion Unit
The new Large Sample Strip Annealing Mobile Conversion Unit (MCU) is designed to provide controlled heating and cooling cycles on large sheet steel samples for replicating the heating and cooling cycles of sheet annealing processes.
Welding Simulator
High-speed, direct resistance heating up to 10,000C/secondControlled cooling or accelerated cooling with optional quench (air/gas/water/mist)Simulation of multiple welding techniques and materialsAbility to test in vacuum, air or inert gasEasy to use controls and software, including DSI's custom Gleeble Welding Software
Multi-Axis Hot Deformation System
The system restrains specimens lengthwise while allowing unlimited deformation in the other two dimensions. As a result, very high strain levels can be introduced into specimens to produce a sample of ultrafine-grain or nanoscale material that is large enough for subsequent properties testing.
High Temperature Testing Mobile Conversion Unit
Used for applications that require high temperatures (1800C-2000C) for extended periods of time, the High Temperature Mobile Conversion Unit offers enhanced capabilities to accommodate more damanding requirements.The unit is based on the General Purpose MCU which allows for the use of standard specimen grips and accesories.
Digital Closed Loop Control Thermal and Mechanical Testing System
3800 System
The Gleeble 3800 is a fully integrated digital closed loop control thermal and mechanical testing system. Easy-to-use Windows based computer software, combined with an array of powerful processors, provides an extremely user-friendly interface to create, run and analyze data from thermal-mechanical tests and physical simulation programs.The result is a system unequaled for physical simulation and thermal-mechanical materials testing.
The Gleeble 1500 platform was introduced in the late 1970s and has served as an industry leader in thermal-mechanical simulation for decades. While many upgrades have been made to the 1500 platform, including the Series 3 Digital Control Update, advances in technology and a continuing drive to innovate by the team at Dynamic Systems has resulted in new and improved model lines, including the Gleeble 3180, 3500 and 3800.
Thermal-Mechanical Physical Simulation System
3180 System
Weld HAZ simulation. Melting and solidification. Heat treatmentHot tensile tests. CCT and CHT with deformation. Continuous casting simulation.
Thermal and Mechanical Testing System
3500 System
The Gleeble 3500 is a fully integrated digital closed loop control thermal and mechanical testing system. Easy-to-use Windows based computer software, combined with an array of powerful processors, provides an extremely user-friendly interface to create, run and analyze data.