Geolitica operates a cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that delivers patrol guidance and measures officer performance in real time. Geolitica uses data from departmental records management systems (RMSs) as well as computer-aided dispatch systems (CADs) to prepare and deliver missions and patrol recommendations.
- 831.331.4550
- PO Box 2870
Santa Cruz, CA 95063-2870
United States
To earn and maintain the trust of the public, departments must maintain a high level of transparency in their operations. Geolitica gives your department the data and tools you need to keep local government and the public in the loop. Geolitica’s COMPSTAT-like analytics and reporting module provides a quick summary of rich and complex datasets. Our point-and-click interface lets you create custom reports instantly – by any combination of crime types, missions, districts and shifts over any date range.
Patrol operations are the largest and most visible part of your department. But all too often, patrol officers are judged on negative metrics: how many tickets, how many stops, how many arrests. All of these represent negative interactions with the community.
Employees work more effectively when expectations are being clearly communicated and measured. By setting patrol guidance and communicating expectations, your officers know exactly what is expected of them.