Larson Davis, Inc.
A manufacturer of precision acoustic test and vibration measurement instrumentation. A division of PCB Piezotronics.
- 888-258-3222
716-926-8243 -
- 3425 Walden Avenue
Depew, NY 14043-2495
United States
Directional Source
The BAS003 Source is designed to generate homogeneous sound fields using random noise in compliance with the following standards: Building acoustics (insertion loss, acoustic absorption area, etc: ISO 140-3, ASTM E90, ISO 140-5, ASTM E966). The BAS003 is typically used to generate a noise in a free-field for the evaluation of the transmission loss index of a façade. The available high-efficiency power amplifier, BAS002, is light and can be remotely controlled for easy use in the field.
Noise Dosimeters
Spark Family
Spark® series dosimeters are compact, affordable and tamper-proof personal Noise Dosimeter that measures the following to applicable IEC and ANSI standards:*Noise Exposure: Multiple Dose; Projected Dose; Time Weighted Average; (all with 4 user selectable combinations of Exchange Rate, Threshold, Criterion Level and Criterion Time); Sound Exposure Level*Sound Levels:; Leq; Lmax; Lmin; Lpeak/Luwpk, SEL and more*Time and number of events above Ceiling Level (115 dB) and Peak Level (140dB)
Omnidirectional Source
The BAS001 Source is designed to generate omnidirectional sound fields for making standard compliant measurements including: reverberation time (ISO 3382, ASTM E2235), building acoustics (insertion loss, acoustic absorption area, etc: ISO 140-4 ISO 140-3, ASTM E336, ASTM E90, DIN 55 210). The BAS001 is typically used to saturate a room with a uniform acoustic field. The available high-efficiency power amplifier has no fan for cooling, allowing measurements in quiet environments, like those in reverberation time applications.
Permanent Outdoor Noise Monitor
For permanent and semi-permanent outdoor noise monitoring where remote access is required, the NMS043 is an excellent choice. When you need online access to noise data for monitoring construction noise, nuisance noises, transportation noise or other unwanted noises, the NMS043 will reliably do the job.
Sound Level Meters
Quantitative measurements of sound pressure levels generated by firearms with & without suppression devices and silencers.Many firearm examiners are tasked with determining whether installation of a suppressor or silencer on a firearm results in a “perceptible” reduction of the sound pressure level of a gun. The Larson Davis SoundTrack LxT® provides this functionality utilizing an easy-to-use handheld platform.
Tapping Machine
The BAS004* is used to simulate foot fall noise in a manner that is well controlled and reproducible so that measured results can be replicated and compared with other measurements.
When coupled with the BAS001 omnidirectional speaker or BAS003 directional speaker, the BAS002 amplifier is the ideal sound source for making room and building acoustics measurements.
Impulsive Sound Source
The BAS006 is an innovative device used to create impulsive noise that includes low frequency energy and avoids problems like secondary bounce. These characteristics make it a great choice for quickly measuring reverberation time when the complexity and weight of a speaker and amplifier is not needed.
Headphone Test Fixture
The Larson Davis Model AEC206 Binaural Test Fixture is the tool for testing supra-aural, circumaural, supra-concha, intraconcha, and insert-type headphones. Preassembled with IEC 60318-4 (711) occluded-ear simulators and TEDS compatible preamplifiers that provide electronic calibration information, the Model AEC206 is user-friendly and easy to learn. Additionally, calibration is a simple process—a custom adapter is included for the Model CAL250 acoustic calibrator or similar device.
Noise Monitoring System
Continuous monitoring of environmental data in remote areas has always presented a unique set of challenges. Typical solutions involve complex installations, frequent visits to remote locations to keep the system fully operational and require expert level attention to retrieve and share data amongst customers, consultants and project leads.
Permanent Noise Monitoring System
The Model 831-NMS permanent noise monitoring system is designed for long term monitoring around airports, industrial facilities, motorsport complexes, wind farms, mining operations, and within the general community. Many required accessories are integrated through the INT docking station. Two way remote communication is available for monitoring and control from a central station. Larson Davis provides the hardware, software and open interface to allow this system to be customized for any application or purpose.
Sound Level Meter & Real-time Analyzer
The Larson Davis System 824 combines advanced sound level meter and real-time analyzer capabilities into a rugged, user-friendly, ergonomic package. The base unit is an Integrating Sound Level Meter (ISM) that meets Type 1 Standards and offers simultaneous measurement of sound pressure levels using fast, slow, and impulse detectors, for A, C, and flat frequency weightings. This feature, termed ANY LEVEL™ measures 48 sound pressure parameters at once with a linear, 105 dB range. With firmware enhancements, the base unit expands as needed to accommodate multiple data processing requirements
Human Vibration Monitor
The HVM200 is a small rugged vibration meter with built in Wi-Fi that can be used to measure hand-arm, whole body and general vibration. It includes the metrics and frequency weightings needed to measure human vibration. This 3 channel meter meets the requirements of ISO 8041:2005 and it is designed to measure per ISO 2631-1, 2 & 5 and ISO 5349 in support of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) Threshold Limit Values (TLVs) and the directive 2002/44/EC. This makes the HVM200 an ideal choice for an instrument used to demonstrate compliance with human vibration requirements and regulations worldwide.
Precision Sound Level Calibrator
The Larson Davis CAL200 Sound Level Calibrator is a battery operated precision microphone calibrator used for the calibration of sound level meters and other sound measurement equipment.
Blaze software is the ideal data analysis and reporting tool for Industrial Hygiene and Safety professionals. From simple, concise compliance reports to powerful detailed data presentations, Blaze excels in supporting various exposure sampling methods and interfaces with the Spark family of personal Noise Dosimeters, the SoundTrack LxT Sound Level Meter and the HVM100 Human Vibration Meter. From instrument setup to presentation-ready reports to exposure record management, Blaze makes noise and vibration exposure monitoring more convenient and productive