Materials Evaluation and Engineering
MEE is an independent service company specializing in materials characterization, product development engineering, and failure analysis. We combine engineering technology with analysis and testing to assist development and improvement of products in applications ranging from consumer products and heavy industry to electronic and medical devices. Our experienced staff has a proven record for innovative solutions to materials-related problems.
- (888) 349-8870
(763) 449-8870 - (763) 449-8699
- 13805 1st Avenue North
Suite 400
Plymouth, MN 55441
United States
Field Emission SEM
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
The FESEM is an advanced microscope offering increased magnification and the ability to observe very fine features at a lower voltage than the SEM found in most laboratories.
Light Microscopy
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
MEE has a variety of light microscopes with magnifications ranging from 5X to 2400X. Each microscope is connected to a camera with digital image capture for subsequent measurements and/or additional image analyses.
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Metallography is the study of topographical or microstructural features on specially-prepared microsectioned surfaces - typically polished and chemically etched.
Precission Cross Section
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Microsectioning, often called cross-sectioning, is the preparation of a sample to reveal internal features and/or microstructures.
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
JEOL JSM-6610 LV LaboratoryScanning electron microscopy (SEM) uses electrons for imaging to obtain higher magnifications and greater depth of field than light microscopes. The instruments at MEE are capable of variable-pressure, or low vacuum, SEM (VPSEM), as well as traditional high-vacuum conditions for sample observation. VPSEM is a specialized method using a variable-pressure sample chamber that allows direct evaluation of samples that are not readily examined with a traditional high-vacuum SEM. Nonconductive or vacuum sensitive samples that would typically require additional sample preparation can be directly analyzed in VPSEM without the need for additional sample preparation, such as carbon or metallic conductive coatings. This reduces both sample preparation time and distractions in microanalysis. Our laboratory also has a field emission SEM (FESEM) for critical high-magnification work and low-voltage (LVSEM) applications. Each instrument has a spacious sample chamber that can accommodate large and irregularly-shaped specimens and accessories for feature dimensional analysis and chemical microanalysis.
Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
EDS is an elemental chemical microanalysis technique performed in conjunction with each of the SEMs at MEE. Features or phases as small as about 1 micron can be analyzed.
Corosion Testing
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Electrochemical corrosion experiments can provide a variety of data related to the pitting, crevice corrosion, and passivation behavior for specific sample/solution combinations. These data are useful in selecting materials and/or determining how manufacturing processes affect corrosion properties.
Custom Test Design
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Some problems require solutions beyond the standard test methods and procedures routinely performed at MEE. Replicating the suspected cause of failure on an exemplar part can provide valuable information about the likelihood of that failure case. Likewise, intentionally causing component failures in a variety of ways can provide insight into possible failure scenarios. Wondering how (or if) a design or part can be tested? Give us a call – the engineers and technicians at MEE enjoy the hands-on experience of designing customized testing plans for your unique challenges.
Durometer Hardness Testing
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Durometer testing is used to determine the hardness of thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanized rubber, elastomeric materials, cellular materials, gel-like materials, and other plastics that are unsuitable for measurement by conventional Rockwell or microindentation hardness testing.
Microhardness Testing
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Microhardness testing (or microindentation hardness testing) is a method for measuring the hardness of a material on a microscopic scale.
Rockwell Hardness Testing
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Rockwell hardness testing is a general method for measuring the bulk hardness of metallic and polymer materials.
Broad-Beam Ion Milling
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Ion beam milling is a unique method of sample preparation that complements and significantly extends the capabilities of the traditional microscopy and metallographic laboratories.
Tension/ Compression Testing
Materials Evaluation and Engineering
Mechanical testing can provide vital information about fundamental material properties or act as a direct measurement of a component’s functional capabilities. Physical testing can ensure that products meet the specified requirements and can withstand the loads expected to be encountered during service.