Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
As Vibration Consultants and Acoustic Consultants, Response Dynamics works within the United States and worldwide to provide unmatched services in advanced vibration analysis, acoustic analysis, vibration testing, acoustic testing, vibration monitoring and noise monitoring services, as well as engineering design. For 30+ years we have combined our engineering test and analysis expertise in areas relating to vibration, acoustic noise, strain, thermal heat flow, airflow, and magnetic field, with our system and facility troubleshooting and design consulting expertise. We take pleasure in sharing our specialized knowledge and skills as a part of our clients' teams. Please feel free to call us to discuss your team's product, system or facility issues.
- 877-RespDyn (877-7
(510)336-9310 - (510) 336-9315
- 4110 Redwood Road, Suite 301
Oakland, CA 94619
United States
Finite Element Analysis
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
An understanding of structural dynamics is very important to sound Finite Element Analysis (FEA). We have been performing FEA analysis for over 30 years and in most cases we have used experimental data to guide our modeling. While our engineers have had undergraduate and graduate courses in FEA, it is the years of modeling and analysis of existing structures that has taught us the most by forcing a thoughtful analysis of the key structural dynamics and then going though the process of making adjustments to boundary conditions, expanding the dynamics of the model in places, and making simplifications and approximations where possible.
Diagnostic Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Response Dynamics has made diagnostic testing our core focus for over 30 years. We do this detective work well because we have particular expertise in structural dynamics and how it relates to vibration and acoustic noise issues on a myriad of levels. We enjoy this work because it stays interesting and draws on multiple disciplines in engineering and science.
Sensitivity Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Sensitivity testing involves making predictions of system response to environmental disturbance. The significance and importance of the system sensitivity estimates is very often overlooked. This gets companies in trouble and is one of the top reasons why we are called upon to provide timely solutions. Most teams are focused on getting their product to work and get it out the door. An engineering team will often not know how to quantify what to expect in the customer environment and how to test for those expected disturbances. We design hundreds of sensitivity tests and can explain the important concepts to consider in designing the tests and making the right measurements that allow for sound estimates of system response. This is an important expertise we use in our vibration, acoustic and magnetic field consulting services.
Site Vibration And Noise Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Effective vibration isolation is critical to the performance of many systems. It is often much more challenging than expected because the structural dynamics of the supporting structure, and the isolated structure, also affect the isolation performance. Isolation resonances can often create other vibration problems and confound an engineering team. We have successfully designed vibration isolation into countless systems over the years using unique custom solutions as well as adapting standard components and applying them properly to the design.
Shake Table Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Shake table testing is often used in prototype analysis, failure analysis, shipping vibration testing and vibration sensitivity testing. We know what boundary conditions are vital for effective testing, how and where to instrument the system, how to deal with for off axis excitation (often not accounted for), and make the most efficient use of testing time. Let us have a look at your system and any specified vibration criteria before the shake test is designed. We can interpret the criteria, make sure it is applied appropriately, and make recommendations that will save valuable time and expense.
Model And Resonance Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Resonance identification, dynamic testing, modal analysis and operating deflection shape analysis, form the basis of our set of expertise in vibration analysis, and are described on this page, in the embedded video below, and in the links above in more detail. This is the heart of vibration testing and key to making a confounding vibration issues understandable. Our vibration testing, structural dynamics and modal analysis consulting services have helped push the limits of technologies and cutting edge designs for over 30 years.
Strain Gage Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
Although strain measurement is often a key part of a root cause diagnosis, our analyses often also involve measurements of other parameters such as acceleration, relative displacement, pressure, temperature, flow, speed, load, dynamic stiffness, etc, to explore multiple parameters that may have a cause/effect relationship with the problem at hand. These measurements form part of a fact based hypothesis for the cause of the problem at hand. We use stain gauge testing and/or stain modeling and analysis, in conjunction with our structural dynamics expertise to characterize all the important pieces of the puzzle that come into play with dynamic strain issues (See Diagnostic Testing).
Vibration Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
We most often characterize a problem first and work from known conditions, and stay in “the known” as we proceed by making sense of what we observe as we move forward. We test and analyze the change in dynamics we are trying to create in real-time, on site, and often make changes to our experimental test plan on the fly as we discover how a system is actually behaving. In doing so we often get meaningful results from which we can make sound engineering decisions in a short time frame. We don't just make measurements and spit out data. We help identify the problem and propose solutions.
Thermal Testing And Analysis
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
We have consulted on thermal issues ranging from conduction issues in TECs, thermal radiation modeling, and countless air cooled system issues relating to system performance, vibration, and acoustics noise. We use a wide array of thermocouple instrumentation, thermal imaging, flow measurements, as well as finite element analysis and analytic modeling to measure, design, and debug thermal and related issues. We often work on customer products in our Response Dynamics lab where we characterize the system, engineer solution options, and prototype solutions. We then work with the customer to work the winning solution into their quality control and manufacturing process.
Magnetic Field Testing
Response Dynamics Vibration Engineering, Inc.
As magnetic field consultants, we have been working with magnetic field issues for sensitive tools for many decades from cutting edge development of scanning electron microscopes (SEMs) to active cancellation systems for MRI tools, to site surveys for specification compliance, debugging, and tool Magnetic Field Sensitivity Testing.