ABB Ltd.
ABB is a technology-based provider of power and automation products, systems, solutions, and services.
- +41 (0)43 317 7111
- +41 (0)43 317 4420
- Affolternstrasse 44
Zurich, CH-8050
Circular Chart Recorders
With over 100 years experience in the industry ABB’s circular chart recorder offering is world class. Our range is extremely easy to use, offers up to four pens, NEMA 4X and IP66 environmental protection, integrated PID control and data logging.
Combustion Gas Analyzers
ABB combustion gas analyzers are designed for combustion optimization / control and emissions monitoring applications. The range includes in situ Oxygen only analyzers and an Oxygen plus combustibles (carbon monoxide equivalent COe) close-coupled extractive analyzer.
Diesel Engine Monitoring
Cylmate System
ABB's Cylmate System is a comprehensive system for continuous engine performance measurement and monitoring. With the Cylmate System you will get the key knowledge for obtaining optimum and reliable engine performance.
Differential Pressure Transmitters
The differential pressure transmitter portfolio from ABB offers a broad variety of communication possibilities. Another highlight of our sensors is the measurement accuracy up to 0.025 %.
Empower your business with profitable efficiencyYou base your business on efficiency and performance. You know that everything counts to make you more competitive. Our drives are made with all this in mind, empowering productivity and efficiency. They provide flexibility to help you optimize your processes and control, and reliable for less downtime. You also get premium service and expertise, anywhere on the globe.
Electrical Actuators Accessories
The ABB extensive range of accessories simplifies the installation of elecrical actuators and electronic units and makes it suitable for all applications occur in practice. From the matching adapter plates via software ECOM700 to the motor temperature monitoring unit SD241-B you will find everything you need for a quick and trouble-free installation.
Electronic Units
Electronic units for field installation and mounting rack installation control the actuators. They are fed with 115 or 230 V AC. A local control panel allows for easy basic settings.
Extractive Gas Analyzers
Advance Optima and EasyLine Series
ABB offers three series of extractive gas analyzers catering to a diverse range of industries and applications. Sensing technologies perfected over more than 90 years are the foundation for a modular architecture delivering market leading performance and reliability – Uras (NDIR), Limas (NDUV), Magnos (Paramagnetic), Caldos (TCD), Fidas (FID), ZO23 (Zirconia). ABB also offers tunable diode laser (TDL) analyzers that measure in situ, directly at the stack or process line. The analyzers are world renowned for ruggedness, easy installation and operation in safe and hazardous areas, simplified calibration and outstanding possibilities for integration in digital networks.
Field-Mount Controllers
True wall mountable design enables installation and commissioning in a fraction of the time needed for adapting panel mount units. ABB’s field-mount controllers are ideal for locations where a panel cannot be installed, either due to lack of space or where costs are prohibitive.
Field-Mount Temperature Transmitters
The compact and robust field mounted temperature transmitters of this established and proven series from ABB are accommodated in field housings with optional indicators (TTF300 and TTF300-W: LCD display including device configurability).The field housings of the transmitter are either made of aluminum die cast or of stainless steel. The type labels are available in stainless steel. The devices are deliverable with a tube mounting kit or a wall mounting kit.
Flow Computers & Remote Controllers
ABB is the expert in low power and high-accuracy control devices for the remote production and custody transfer of oil and gas, offering the X-F.A.C.T.O.R. in flow computing.Easy installation, minimal intervention, and years of experience with real-world applications have helped to build greater efficiency into every function of ABB flow computers, remote controllers & RTUs (remote terminal units).
Flow Measurement Products
With ABB's knowledge about flow measurement and management, you have access to over 100 years of flow measurement and control experience to help you save cost and increase profits.
Force Measurement
Using state-of-the-art technology, ABB provides purpose built solutions for your force and dimension measurement needs, making it possible for your production output to accurately match the most varying and demanding requirements.
FT-IR and FT-NIR Analyzers
ABB capabilities encompass one of the largest portfolios in the world for laboratory, at-line and process FT-IR/FT-NIR analyzers. Founded in 1973, ABB Analytical Measurements (formerly Bomem Inc) designs, manufactures and markets high-performance, affordable FT-IR / FT-NIR spectrometers as well as turnkey analytical solutions for Petroleum, Chemical, Life Sciences, Semiconductor, Academic, Metallurgy, OEM industries and spectroradiometers for Remote Sensing/Aerospace market.